Find an Author by the first letter of their name

A A MacKenzie
3 published books
A J McCarthy
1 published books
A. J. B. Johnston A. J. B. Johnston
17 published books
A.C. Geisel
1 published books
Aaron Schneider
1 published books
Abena Beloved Green
2 published books
Adam Barnett Adam Barnett
1 published books
Adam Cornick
1 published books
Adam Paris
1 published books
Adam Zyglis
1 published books
Adrian Hoffman
1 published books
Adrian McNally Smith
2 published books
Adrian Smith
1 published books
Alain Raimbault
1 published books
Alan Jeffers
1 published books
Alan Syliboy Alan Syliboy
5 published books
Albert Roland
1 published books
Alec Bruce
1 published books
Alexa Thompson
2 published books
Alexandra Harrington
1 published books
Alfred LeBlanc
1 published books
Alfred Silver
4 published books
Alfreda Withrow
1 published books
Alice Walsh
4 published books
Alice Whitney
1 published books
Alisa Arsenault
2 published books
Alison DeLory Alison DeLory
1 published books
Alison Griffiths
1 published books
Alistair MacLeod
1 published books
Allan Billard
2 published books
Allan Cooper
3 published books
Allan Donaldson
1 published books
Allan Lynch
1 published books
Allan Vaitses
1 published books
Allison Lawlor
3 published books
Allison Maher
1 published books
Allison Mitcham
7 published books
Allison Watson Allison Watson
1 published books
Allister MacGillivray
1 published books
Alma Fullerton
1 published books
Alphonse Deveau
2 published books
Amanda Muis Brown
1 published books
Amy Bell
1 published books
Amy Ehman
1 published books
Amy Jo Ehman
2 published books
Ana Watts
1 published books
Andre Fenton Andre Fenton
1 published books
Andrea Aragon
2 published books
Andrea Gunraj
1 published books
Andrea Miller Andrea Miller
3 published books
Andreas Oertel
1 published books
Andrew Jennings
1 published books
Andrew L. Smith
1 published books
Andrew Sprague
1 published books
Andrew Weichel
1 published books
Andria Hill-Lehr
3 published books
Andy Jones
7 published books
Andy Tolson
1 published books
Angela Bowden
4 published books
Angela Doucette
1 published books