Commitment to Environmentally-Sound Paper
As a book publisher and a significant consumer of paper products, Nimbus Publishing is concerned about our effect on the environment, specifically regarding the loss of old growth forests and the effects on global climate changes. Nimbus Publishing is committed to protecting the environment and to the responsible use of natural resources.

We are concerned about the future of the world’s remaining ancient and endangered forests. We are committed to implementing policies that will facilitate the meaningful conservation of ancient and endangered forests globally and ensure that we are not contributing to the destruction of these irreplaceable natural treasures.
As a book publisher, paper is obviously a core part of our business. Not only do we use it in the manufacturing of the books we publish, but we are also great consumers of wood fibre-based products in our office environment. While we would like to ensure that all wood-based products that we consume are derived from ecologically sustainable sources (i.e. free of old growth forest fibre and chlorine free), we recognize that our options are limited by both cost and availability. As these factors change—as alternatives that are both environmentally friendly and cost-effective become available—we will be able to commit to practices that will not contribute to the destruction of natural resources.
Some AFF papers are becoming more cost-effective and are now available at a cost that is equivalent, or near equivalent, to non earth-friendly papers. In light of this, Nimbus Publishing is making a commitment to use Earth-friendly papers whenever feasible. We are committed to implementing policies that will facilitate the meaningful conservation of ancient forests globally. As of the date of this letter, the following guidelines will apply.
- We will print 100% of Vagrant Press titles on AFF papers.
- We will use AFF papers on Nimbus books whenever feasible.
- We will relay our commitment to our suppliers.
- We will continually improve our papers’ environmental characteristics by working with Markets Initiative on implementation guidelines.
- We will give purchasing preferences to reclaimed or post-consumer recycled products, products from second growth forests which have been independently certified by an approved certification scheme.
- We will give purchasing preference to chlorine-free products.
- We will form an in-house committee that works on reducing our consumption of natural resources, and shares our environmental goals both internally and with the public. This committee also works company-wide to implement other environmentally friendly practices in all areas, including overall consumption of paper products, composition of cleaning products, recycling practices, energy use etc.
Given Nimbus Publishing’s position within the publishing industry, we are well positioned to play a leadership role in making an Ancient Forest Friendly commitment and move our industry in a more environmentally responsible direction. Therefore, we also commit to urge our colleagues to adopt similar practices that will contribute to the long-term survival of forests and health of communities. Pre-serving the remaining ancient and endangered forests of the world for future generations will require that all companies join us in this effort.