To request rights for online PDFs, readings, and re-enactments of our books, please see our online permission guides for contact info.
Career Openings
Job opportunities will be listed on our social media accounts when they come up.
Atlantic Publicist
Hannah Zamora (Halifax)
902.455.4286 ext. 226
National Publicist
Karen McMullin (Toronto)
Submissions & Editorial
For information about book submissions, go here. Please DO NOT email us book proposals/ submissions.
Request a review copy or book donation
Request a review copy or book donation:
In the Atlantic region: Send an email to Hannah Zamora
You can also send a fax to our office Attention:Hannah Zamora
Outside of the Atlantic region, and in the US: Karen McMullin
Desk copy and permission requests
Send an email to Karen McMullin with details of proposed use.