• Ouaf? Ouaf? Cot! Cot!

    Created by: Carolyn Rowe-Turner
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A little moment in the life of Henriette, Crème Brulée, Caro and Claude.

  • Le chien d’or de Québec Une aventure des Trois Mousquetaires

    Created by: Denis M. Boucher
    Artist: Paul Roux
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Alexis Nadeau, director of the exhibits at the Civilisations museum in Montreal, has been receiving threats signed: Québec Golden Dog. The three musketeers Gabriel, Ania and Mamadou immediately start to investigate. Gabriel even spots a real golden dog walking around the streets of Quebec! Would it be the same legendary golden dog that stands on the Porte St-Jean at the entrance of the old Quebec. Does the bizarre professor, Bazil Bizaroff, have anything to do with it? And how do you protect yourself against a ferocious dog whose fur is lined with flames?

  • Cours, Ben, cours!

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Take part in the adventure of Ben, a father without legs and an albino crow… Careful what choices you make, the characters? survival depend on them!

  • Le corps de l’ombre Recueil de poesie et slam par MC June

    Created by: MC June
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A collection of slam poems that juggles existential questionings with kindness and humour.

  • Jardin de mots Une histoire de Lire et faire lire

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    On one side of the ocean, Madame Pauline. On the other, a garderner of words. In the middle: books.

  • (M)other

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    No, my son doesn’t have a father!

    From the delivery room to the classroom, a woman whose motherhood is questioned explains: her son doesn’t have a father, but he’s got two moms. She is the other mother. A (m)other, but there was only room for one on the birth certificate. In the minds of some adults and kids, however, a father figure must be found. Adapted from a 2018 CBC Poetry Prize shortlisted poem, this book tells, with tenderness and accuracy, the difficulties that homoparental families face in being accepted for who they are: loving families.

  • Luna n’aime pas

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Unlike his brother Zim, Luna is a red-haired, hot-tempered cat. While his feline furry friend scurries and climbs around the house, Luna grrrr’s and growls.

    With their piercing eyes, pudgy bellies, and pillows on their feet, even the best of us can’t resist to cats! But if they make us laugh, cats aren’t always in a good mood…

    Will Luna’s human and brother cheer him up?

  • Un petit bonheur tout rond

    Created by: Marie-Célie Agnant
    Artist: Magali Ben
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Love is growing, and baby too! Inside mommy’s tummy, baby wiggles legs, fists and toes.

    Mom and Dad count the stars, baby jumps in the belly.

    Patiently, Mom feels the kicks and Dad dreams and draws. Weeks go by, the belly grows high, and the parents don’t know what else to count to keep on waiting.

    A poetic escape into the adventure of being born.

  • Un géant dans la tête

    Created by: Danielle Loranger
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Matis is 16 year old, and he’s a haemophiliac. Two years ago, he lost his mom in a car accident and his father lost his joy. But Matis is resilient, and he’ll prove that he’s got courage for the two of them.

  • Cher père noël, où est mon banjo?

    Created by: David Myles
    Artist: Murray Bain
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    The celebrated holiday song from multi-talented and multiple-award-winning Halifax-based roots musician David Myles is now available as a bright and fun children’s picture book, and with a French translation by none other than the great Marie-Jo Thério. Young David writes frantic letters to Santa every year, requesting a banjo, but to no avail: “How does he miss / the one thing on my list / in the letter that I sent to him?” Follow the ups and downs of the holiday season with David, his furry friends, and his family, as he pines for his most-wished-for holiday gift.

    Featuring illustrations from the animation studio that created the song’s well-loved music video, a special holiday message from David Myles, and original sheet music for those who wish to play along, Santa Never Brings Me A Banjo is sure to inspire many a holiday singalong.

  • La cabane

    Created by: Katia Canciani
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Alphonse built a splendid fishing hut and now he’s wait for a catch… But nothing’s coming, except spring, and now his beautiful hut is floating away with him inside. Along the melting ice, the unlucky fisherman, who’s got a big heart, will give away pieces of his hut, bits by bits, to those less fortunate than he. Alphonse will still come out of this a champion fisherman!

  • Alerte à Richibouctou

    Created by: Roland Daigle
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    It’s the Second World War and John and his uncle Fred are going smelt fishing when they see a military plane crash, and a parachute fly down… In the middle of the night, as a storm is raging, they get captured by captain Otto Von Muller, who orders them to lead him to Richibouctou’s lighthouse. But his radio message to a German submarine will be intercepted by a Canadian corvette…

  • Samuel et la tuque de Noel

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Samuel is a scaredy-cat, scared of cats. He doesn’t get close to them. But one winter day, he sees a kitten outside and decides to take it home…

    Later, Samuel is busy making snow angels when three snowflakes offer him to become one of Santa’s elves… But Samuel is just a normal boy, how could he ever be a brave and serviceable elf and deserve the famous Christmas touque?

  • Un Gamin Acadien L’odyssée de Roméo Leblanc vers Rideau Hall

    Created by: Beryl Young
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Né sur une ferme dans le village de l’Anse-des-Cormier, au Nouveau-Brunswick, le jeune Roméo LeBlanc ne se doutait pas que, grâce à l’amour de sa famille et à l’aide inattendue de ses soeurs, il aurait un jour la chance de faire des études secondaires et universitaires, de devenir enseignant d’histoire puis journaliste, et de gravir les échelons politiques jusqu’au plus haut sommet! Malgré tout, Roméo LeBlanc conservera toute sa vie une grande modestie et un grand sens de l’humour.

    Découvrez l’odyssée d’un gamin acadien jusqu’à Rideau Hall, la résidence officielle du gouverneur général à Ottawa.

  • Comptines et cuisine

    Created by: Sophie Gayer
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A cheerful parade of creatures and animals creating amusing, original and easy-to-remember nursery rhymes in their trail. Plus, dishes dreamed up by the author and based on these bizarre creatures with easy, mostly no-cook recipes. Children can prepare and taste their dishes without turning the kitchen upside down. Simple ingredients and festive, mainly healthy results. Children and parents may even want to create their own delicious bestiary!

  • À dos d’amour

    Created by: Marie-France Comeau
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A daddy carries his child on his back.
    The child’s eyes look in amazement and discover
    nature’s wonders : the conversation between Birch and Cattail,
    the wiggling eel, the great heron chasing a field mouse…
    A day in the life of a father and his child.
    A day out in nature, by a river.
    All in all, a day filled with love !

  • Congé pour maman

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Sophie is jumping with joy. She’s bringing her mom to the beach for a well-deserved break. Of course, everything needs to be prepared: games, parasols, sunscreen, driving there. Then, at the beach, small problems arise that gets in the way of relaxation: gusts of wind and moods, stinging sand and jelly fish, and bathroom calls.

    But Sophie persists. After all, mom deserves a break.

  • Grandes roues et petits pois

    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Émilie looks around her. Nobody close by to help her out. She’s unsure. She dreams of becoming a champion… Will today be the day she sets out on her bike to conquer her big wheels? But she is so small, the rocks so big, and she’s a little bit afraid… Mom, who’s not far in the garden tending to her peas, isn’t aware of Émilie’s hesitations. Come on! Take a deep breath and… let’s go!

  • Le Revenant de la Baie Sainte-Marie

    Created by: Denis Boucher
    Artist: Paul Roux
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    On the shores of Baie Sainte-Marie in Nova Scotia, an evil wizard has returned to haunt a mystified Acadian community. The three musketeers, Gabriel, Ania, and Mamadou and their faithful dog Dali leave New Brunswick to head for their eighth suspenseful adventure. Aided by mamie Josette, professor Jarnigoine and a slightly ridiculous Indiana Jones clone–can their little team vanquish the malicious spirit before the troubles get out of hand?

  • En Attendant L’Autobus Melanie Legere

    Created by: Melanie Légèr
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Every morning Claude and his dad wait for the bus at the roadside. Rain snow or shine, they entertain each other with jokes and stories while watching the little bus get bigger as it nears. But it seems like little Claude is getting bigger too, and pretty soon he’s not so eager to be seen there waiting with his daddy.

  • le monstre du Lac Baker

    Created by: Denis M. Boucher
    Artist: Paul Roux
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    In this first adventure, Ania, Gabriel, Mamadou and Dali the dog set up a private eye agency, with the help of Gabriel’s adventurous grandmother. Solving a lost cat case is a breeze, but confronting a sea monster on the shore of an uncle’s cottage proves to be quite daunting. However, with the help of a lunatic French inventor and his high-tech gadgets, the three friends succeed. Their agency is on its way!

  • Les mathémagiciens

    Created by: Donald Violette
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Vacations have just begun, and already these four friends are bored. Professor Mathou steps in and with him they will discover the Golden Ratio, and a few exciting “magical” tricks with numbers. But best of all, they will be taken for a ride on the longest Moebius strip in North America. Numbers can sometimes be daunting, but nothing is more magical than solving problems using your brain.

  • Rideau rouge et pignons verts

    Created by: Michel Bourque
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry, two young girls from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, both dream of being on stage. This is in the 1960s, just as the Confederation Centre of the Arts opens its doors in their hometown. Gracie and Glenda soon join the new theatre’s company of actors and become best friends. To the delight of audiences, they take on the roles of kindred spirits Anne and Diana in the marvelous musical inspired by the novel Anne of Green Gables.

    Also available in English: Meet Me at Green Gables.

  • Meet Me at Green Gables

    Created by: Michel Bourque
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry, two young girls from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, both dream of being on stage. This is in the 1960s, just as the Confederation Centre of the Arts opens its doors in their hometown. Gracie and Glenda soon join the new theatre’s company of actors and become best friends. To the delight of audiences, they take on the roles of kindred spirits Anne and Diana in the marvelous musical inspired by the novel Anne of Green Gables.

    Also available in French: Rideau Rouge et Pignons Verts.

  • S’ouvrir A tool box for inclusion in the classroom and in the school

    Created by: Collective
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Through real life situations, here is a resource for anyone struggling or interested in the inclusive classroom and school. Without shying from the true and demanding challenges of an all-encompassing inclusive learning space, this is a must-read, must share proposal, coming straight from the classrooms and schools trying to meet these challenges.

  • L’Acadie en Baratte

    Created by: Diane Carmel Léger
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Nico tours the Maritimes with his grandmother in her vintage Westphalia. With eagerness and imagination, Nico is ready for adventure and so is his “memere”. Their camping trip, which takes them to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, becomes a whimsical discovery tour of contemporary Acadian communities and history.

  • Ils Sont…

    Created by: Michel Thériault
    Artist: Magali Ben
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Same-sex couples haven’t always been accepted in our society, but it is possible for love and beauty to triumph. Two boys are friends and age gracefully together as a same-sex couple. With this story, Acadian singer-songwriter Michel Thériault adds a string to his bow and illustrator Magali Ben dazzles with exceptional colours.

  • Jean-le-Chasseur et ses chiens

    Created by: Barry Jean Ancelet
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Warning: this book contains heart-pounding and mildly bloody adventure, taken right from the wonderful oral storytelling style of Francophone Louisiana. Zombie-dogs and witch-princesses ahead!

    Jean-the-Hunter is never apart from his tracking dogs. One day, he meets a young enchantress in an orchard. She agrees to marry him, but only if Jean gets rid of his dogs. Luckily, Jean’s mother distrusts her…and the dogs won’t stay dead for very long.

  • Le cycle M

    Created by: Marilyn Bouchain
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Melanie, an Acadian, and her French friend Garence arrive in Marseilles. An obscure family curse looms over Melanie’s trip, which takes quite a turn when she gets her first period. The two friends are mysteriously taken back to the Middle Ages and unwillingly dragged onto the trail of a shady character. Who is the Maure? Where is he hiding? And how will the two return to the 21st century?

  • Tara Timi et la nuit

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Tara and Timi, two close friends, are very excited to travel away on an adventure to the Fall Fair. However, Timi prefers being cautious to exploring, and as soon as things don’t go as planned, he becomes quite nervous. Luckily, the two meet a wise old woman along the way.

  • Tombent les nuages

    Created by: Évelyne Foëx
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Mariesol and Loïc love watching clouds as they take on many silly shapes. But when they wake up one morning, the whole town is buried under a big, fluffy white blanket. The clouds are falling! Cars can no longer drive about, and an old man has even lost his cat. What a disaster! It is time to find a way to hang the clouds back up in the sky!

  • Zim s’imagine

    Created by: Joanie Duguay
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Domestic cat or street cat, mysterious cat or old cat: all feline friends are adventurers in their own way. Who hasn’t laughed at a silly pose a cat has taken? Zim is a kitty with a vivid imagination, and with him children will discover words, rhymes, pictures and incredible situations!
