Rideau rouge et pignons verts

Michel Bourque

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ISBN: 9782897500641

Rideau rouge et pignons verts

  Author:   Michel Bourque  
  Artist :   Jean-Luc Trudel    
  Publisher:  Bouton d’or Acadie

Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry, two young girls from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, both dream of being on stage. This is in the 1960s, just as the Confederation Centre of the Arts opens its doors in their hometown. Gracie and Glenda soon join the new theatre’s company of actors and become best friends. To the delight of audiences, they take on the roles of kindred spirits Anne and Diana in the marvelous musical inspired by the novel Anne of Green Gables.

Also available in English.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9782897500641
Item BA0057
PublisherBouton d’or Acadie
PublisherBouton d'or Acadie
Published on August 10 2017
Language fre
Pages 40
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight153(g)
Michel Bourque grew up in Cocagne, New Brunswick and lives in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. He has written English and French adaptations of children's books like A Blue so Blue (Jean Francois Dumont, Prix Saint-Exupery) and Les vacances de Claire (Maxine Trottier and Rajka Kupesic, Mr. Christie's Book Award). Michel is one of the lucky few who caught Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry's brilliant performances as Anne and Diana in the musical staging of the classic novel.

Jean-Luc Trudel is an artist from Montreal, Quebec specializing in children's book illustration. His most recent book, Ma petit boule d'amour, written by Jasmine Dubé, was nominated for the Prix des libraires du Quebec in 2014.