Scottish Lights
Publisher: Breton Books$16.95A wonderful collection of essays by the best-selling author of The Harvest Train and The Irish in Cape Breton. A popular public speaker, A. A. (Tony) MacKenzie brings that same brisk, informed voice to Scottish Lights, casting new light on the Celtic heritage of Cape Breton and Eastern Nova Scotia. He takes us to pioneer settlements and to the heart of Gaelic tradition, to the battles and passions of heroes and bards and scoundrels, both the well-known and those nearly forgotten.
Chéticamp (French)
Publisher: Breton Books$19.95Long out of print, Chéticamp is an award-winning treasure chest of the history and folklore of an extraordinary people and place the Acadians of Cape Breton Island. For this newly designed and expanded edition of the prize-winning classic in its original French, Anselme Chiasson has written an additional chapter bringing the history up to date. Written with clarity and love, and hailed as a rare local history with wide appeal, Chéticamp is a passionate, informative and entertaining guide to this little-known corner of the Maritimes.
The Midnight Murder
Publisher: Breton Books$16.95In his short, vigorous life, McKinnon was the courageous editor of three Cape Breton newspapers, and a successful novelist. He fearlessly found a voice in the Boston literary world. Then he became a Methodist minister and tried to burn his “evil” novels. He died at 33-after a life as romantic and passionate as any of his characters.
Cape Breton Christ
Publisher: Breton Books$12.95An extraordinary, brave and provocative story told in the form of poetry that reads like a brisk, short novel. Denise Aucoin’s Cape Breton Christ is rare, risky, lighthearted and down-to-earth writing that challenges and encourages us all.
Pattie Pitter She Hates Litter
Artist: Jeffrey DommPublisher: Breton Books$7.95Pattie Pitter HATES LITTER. She picks up everyone’s candy wrappers and pop cans. But no one wants to help. So, Pattie quits. Soon the school is filled with garbage and the schoolyard is buried. NOW everyone is ready to help!
Hidden Heritage
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95From 1629 to the 1821 settlement of Rev. Norman McLeod, St. Ann has a rich and diverse history. Captured here with zest and detail.
Listen to the Wind
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95A rare and fascinating story of a life with schizophrenia. With the power of a novel, and laced with her small, strong poems, this book is a pleasure as well as art.
Wild Honey
Publisher: Breton Books$9.95Stark and sensual, funny and frightening by turns, these are poems you can read and read again, for enjoyment and for insight.
John R and Son
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95No one has ever written about Cape Breton quite like this! A rich daring short novel, plus 5 stories. A troubling, brutal, and compassionate book that is a riveting classic.
SpecialLink Book
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95The Mainstream is nothing more than life in the real world. SpeciaLink is devoted to seeing every child wit special needs a full participant in the mainstream. Evidence supports the value of full mainstream childcare for all children, regardless of the challenges. This means that from now on, the work of childcare includes Advocacy –promoting what we already know to be right.
The SpecaiLink Book is the story of the road to the principles of full mainstream childcare, and of the SpeciaLink Symposium which made those principles the national agenda for mainstream advocates. “The Mainstream is the right stream” is the battle cry. Achieving full mainstream childcare for every child is the goal.
The Book Also Includes a Canadian Directory of Mainstream Childcare Advocates, Further Readings, information about joining SpeciaLink, and other forms for the SpecaiLink Newsletter and videos.
Echoes from Labor’s Wars
Publisher: Breton Books$9.95Rooted in Cape Breton’s industrial wars these are songs of rebellion, indignation, hatred of oppression, full of humour, courage and love of honest work are a powerful compelling testament to courage, peace and community. A collection of Dawn Fraser’s poetry and writing. Includes his war poetry and biography.
Cape Breton Quarry
Publisher: Breton Books$7.95Born in Ingonish, Cape Breton, Stewart is the author of the popular comic novel, ‘Maritime Union’. He teaches at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, and is the founding editor of The Nashwaak Review.
Cape Breton Captain
Publisher: Breton Books$9.95This is the true rough-and-tumble story of the life of David McLeod, a robust autobiography of saltwater and guts and passionate romance. Well-told story by the man himself.
Archie Neil
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95Born in 1943 in Plattsburg, New York, Mary Anne Ducharme came to Cape Breton in 1979, with her husband Richard and their children, Richard and Kathryn. For the past twelve years she has edited Participaper, produced through the Inverness County Department of Recreation. Mary Anne has a Master’s Degree in English, and has been a schoolteacher and a playwright and director. With her husband, she raises acres of strawberries in Whycocomagh
Stories From the Woman From Away
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95A novel of a woman’s rural life, and of the people whose weaknesses and wit enrich her Cape Breton community.
Sterling Silver
Publisher: Breton Books$16.95The personal essay has so much potential as a literary form that it’s gratifying to see it being skilfully and engagingly employed in this book. Silver Donald Cameron has plenty on his mind, and he knows how to hold our attention. Cameron easily entices us into his essay “Rocky Mountain High” with this for openers:”Downhill skiing is a certifiably silly sport, I whimper to myself as the chair-lift bears me inexorably over the treetops and gullies, like a slab of beef going around the overhead conveyors in an abattoir. “.
The Seven-Headed Beast and Other Acadian Tales from Cape Breton Island
Publisher: Breton Books$12.95This is the first book of Acadian tales now told in English, and establishes these stories as a part of Cape Breton heritage.
Moonlight Skater 9 Cape Breton Stories and The Dream
Publisher: Breton Books$14.95A mischievous blend of Scottish and Acadian, these stories blossom, or explode softly, in your life.
God & Me
Publisher: Breton Books$6.95In God & Me Sheila Green of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, offers a series of sort, unpretentious poems meant to share the experience of questions, answers an mysteries in discovering relationship with one another, and with God. The ease and caring of this little book make it a rare find for wide range of people. Alison R. Grapes has contributed drawings that, rather than illustrate, try to maintain the calm, urgent joy.
Le retour du Capitaine Baboune
Artist: Réjean RoyPublisher: Bouton d'or Acadie$9.95Oh no! Captain Baboune is at it again! This time, at the helm of an infernal machine, capturing the winds and deregulating the climate.
Adieu, Jacoby!
Artist: Camille Perron-CormierPublisher: Bouton d'or Acadie$10.95Beloved dog Jacoby, who’s helped numerous children deal with their anxiety and has helped them with their reading skills, is very sick. Seeing him in such pain, his owner Madame Ève decides to take him to the vet to put him own. As she learns to live without her dear companion, Madame Ève is comforted by the soothing memories of him. The children Jacoby helped miss him and decide to throw him a goodbye party. Slowly but surely, without ignoring the pain, or the sorrow, life goes on.
La promesse du bout du monde
Artist: Stéphanie BourgeoisPublisher: Bouton d'or Acadie$14.95“He gets halfway up, screams and throws a stick towards the cougar, which hits it in the eye. The sound of his scream surprises the boy himself. He is full of a singular rage, of a refusal to die here, all alone. It’s the scream of a man who takes charge of his destiny. And the animal can smell it.”