Medicinal Herbs of Eastern Canada A Pictorial Manual
Publisher: Nimbus Publishing$24.95Learn how to identify, collect, and prepare a variety of local wild plants, most growing right in your own backyard. Covering 73 different plants, each with detailed, full-colour illustrations and accessible tips, facts, and recipes, this essential guide makes it easy to benefit from your neighbourhood’s wild offerings.
Lobster in my Pocket 2nd edition
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$12.95This Maritime classic tells the magical story of Lee, a lonely girl in a coastal fishing village. One day she meets Lucky, a talking lobster trapped in a crate on the wharf. Lee sets Lucky free, and the two become friends. When Lee falls into the ocean during a terrible storm, Lucky shows how much he cares about her! Now in a new, full-colour edition, Lobster in my Pocket is a joyful tale of friendship that will delight readers of all ages.
Skunks for Breakfast
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$11.95Everyone knows there are no skunks in Nova Scotia…right? Well, that’s what Pamela thinks, until she wakes up one morning to a terrible smell.
Now Pamela stinks, her father stinks, her sister stinks, and her mother stinks. Soon her life stinks—her friends at school won’t come near her! And no matter how many skunks her father catches underneath the house, there always seems to be another.
Join Pamela and her family as they confront the odorous onslaught—and watch Pamela slowly start to like the unexpectedly cute creatures.
Best of Buddy The Bluenose Reindeer Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer and Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer and the Boston Christmas Tree Adventure
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$18.95Both Buddy books—truly the best of—now in one handsome edition!
First heard on CBC radio, Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer became an instant Maritime Christmas classic. Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer is sad because, despite his best efforts, he just can’t fit in with Nick Klaus’s fishing crew on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. Santa, that normally jolly proprietor of Christmas cheer, is worried because his star performer, the famous Rudolph, is sick with a bad cold! How will Santa and Buddy set everything all right?
In Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer and the Boston Christmas Tree, the search for the perfect Christmas tree to send to Boston isn’t going well, and Buddy the Bluenose Reindeer is called on to help. Of course, with his nose so blue and his aim so true, Buddy easily finds the right tree. Little does everyone know that that’s the easy part.
Packed full of playful puns and perfect for old and young listeners alike, Buddy’s adventures are real treats to read and share aloud.
Lobster Fishing on the Sea
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$10.95Susan’s father is a lobster fisherman in the Northumberland Strait, and one Saturday morning he lets Susan come on the boat with him. They empty their traps together and Susan sees all different sea creatures- rock crabs, sculpins, and more. Wonderfully illustrated in vibrant colours by Brenda Jones, Lobster Fishing on the Susan B has a simple storyline and incorporates information about lobster fishing and marine life.
Hockey Night Tonight (Board Book)
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$14.95An engaging story book version of the Stompin Tom Connors Hockey Song that will stir every hockey lover’s heart.
Bud the Spud
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$11.95The famous and irresistible song about potatoes is now on the printed page in lively storybook form.
Hockey Night Tonight
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$7.95An engaging story book version of the Stompin Tom Connors Hockey Song that will stir every hockey lover’s heart.
Island Morning
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Acorn Press$19.95Island Mornging is a gentle story of a girl and her grandfather’s early morning walk through the fields of Prince Edward Island. On their journey, they see gentle pastures, farm animals, scenic vistas and a glorious sunrise. But this walk is about more than just viewing the beautiful scenery. It is also about the special time between grandfather and granddaughter and how they see the world through each other’s eyes.
Born ! A Foal, Five Kittens and Confederation
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Acorn Press$12.95Award-winning children’s author Deirdre Kessler has set her latest story in the late summer of 1864. Nine-year-old twins Gabriel and Grace help their parents run the Great George Street Livery Stables in Charlottetown. They are part of all the excitement as a circus comes to town and as politicians arrive by steamship from the Maritimes and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. The twins have drawing lessons with their friend, fourteen-year-old artist Robert Harris, who plays in the band that entertains the delegates at a grand banquet and ball at Province House. But the twins are most excited about their favourite horse, who is about to give birth to her first foal. Travel back in time to the streets of Charlottetown for an insider’s peek at the meetings that led to Confederation, beautifully illustrated by award-winning illustrator, Brenda Jones.
My Mother is Weird
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Acorn Press$9.95A hilarious look at a child’s view of a mother’s bad day. Originally published in 1989 by Ragweed Press, this book is considered to be a P.E.I. classic. This unique view of mother’s “bad day” through the observant eyes of a child is a weird and wonderful story for parents and children. My mother is so weird. Some mornings, when she wakes up, she has horns on her head and long pointy teeth and claws. She speaks in a voice like a jackhammer. But after her morning coffee, Mom’s horns disappear, and her teeth and claws shrink back to normal. She speaks in a soft, smooth voice. But, one morning…we ran out of coffee…
Bubba Begonia, You’ll Be Sorry
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Acorn Press$8.95Bubba Begonia is a young boy who desperately wants to make a good impression on the first day at his new school. But Bubba is nervous. Very nervous. And when he gets nervous his finger just seems to naturally head to his nose. “Bubba! Don’t be messin’ with your nose,” admonishes his mother. “Your finger’ll get stuck and then you’ll be sorry!”But Deerwatson Elementary isn’t your ordinary school. And Bubba’s classmates aren’t your ordinary students. In meeting the zaniest bunch of kids ever assembled, Bubba makes a memorable first impression when his mother’s words of warning come true.In his first chapter book (ages 8 and up), Gerry O’Brien creates an hilarious story of a young boy who overcomes an embarrassing personal habit with the help of his equally embarrassing little sister.
Sid the Kid and the Dryer A Story About Sidney Crosby
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$12.95A fresh and fun take on the younger years of hockey superstar Sidney Crosby, through an unlikely character: the dryer in the basement. Author Lesley Choice imagines the early life of W. P. (Whirpool) the dryer, now a popular attraction at the NS Sport Hall of Fame, as W.P. is hit with stray pucks while Sidney works on his shot in the basement. Vibrant artwork from illustrator Brenda Jones completes this imaginative tale.
Bud The Spud
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$14.95Here is Stompin’ Tom Connors’s famous and irresistible song about potatoes, in a sturdy board book edition perfect for young readers. Travel with Bud as he steers his rig down the highway with a load of “the best doggone potatoes that’s ever been growed.” A Canadian classic by a legendary folk hero.
Simon et el catapulte la périlleux aventure au parc
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$8.95Simon et son audacieux compagnon, El Catapulte, sont pr’ts pour une avant-midi d’aventure extraplanétaire au parc. Ils ont pour mission de faire le tour de la galaxie en explorant tous les périls du terrain de jeux. La découverte d’un monde lointain est une t‚che dangereuse- particulièrement quand El Catapulte est de la partie! Heureusement, Simon est toujours là pour veiller à sa sécurité. Mais quand Simon et El Catapulte se retrouvent dans une situation si désespérée que m’me Simon ne peut les sauver, qui sera assez brave pour venir à leur secours?
Simon and Catapult Man’s Perilous Playground Adventure
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$8.95Well-known children’s writer Norene Smiley’s delightful prose and award-winning illustrator Brenda Jones’s vibrant illustrations combine to bring the wonder of imaginative play to life. The quirky pictorial elements and interplay between real life and fantasy will make Simon and Catapult Man a winner with children, while teachers and librarians will appreciate the playground safety theme and related activity.
Comment Naquirent un poulain,cinq chatons et la Confederation
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Acorn Press$12.95L’action du dernier roman de l’auteure primée de livres pour enfants Deirdre Kessler se déroule à l’été de 1864. Les jumeaux Gabriel et Grace, de neuf ans, aident leurs parents à l’écurie familiale de la rue Great George, à Charlottetown. Ils assistent à toute l’excitation provoquée par la venue d’un cirque en ville et l’arrivée par bateau de politiciens des Maritimes et de la province du Canada-Uni. Les jumeaux suivent des leçons de dessin de leur ami, l’artiste Robert Harris, de quatorze ans, qui joue dans l’orchestre chargé de divertir les délégués lors du grand bal et du banquet offerts à l’édifice colonial. Mais les jumeaux sont plus excités à cause de leur cheval préféré, qui va bientàt donner naissance à son premier poulain.
Remontez dans le temps et parcourez les rues de Charlottetown pour jeter un regard sur les réunions ayant mené à la Confédération, avec ce livre magnifiquement illustré par l’artiste primée Brenda Jones.
Skunks for Breakfast
Artist: Brenda Jones$8.95Everyone knows there are no skunks in Nova Scotia…Right? Well, that’s what Pamela thinks, until she wakes up one morning to a terrible smell.
Now Pamela stinks, her father stinks, her sister stinks, and her mother stinks. Soon her life stinks—her friends at school won’t come near her! And no matter how many skunks her father catches underneath the house, there always seems to be another.
Join Pamela and her family as they confront the odorous onslaught—and watch Pamela slowly start to like the unexpectedly cute creatures.
Lobster in My Pocket
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$7.95This Maritime classic tells the magical story of Lee, a lonely girl in a coastal fishing village. One day she meets Lucky, a talking lobster trapped in a crate on the wharf. Lee sets Lucky free, and the two become friends. When Lee falls into the ocean during a terrible storm, Lucky shows how much he cares about her!
Now in a new, full-colour edition, Lobster in my Pocket is a joyful tale of friendship that will delight readers of all ages.