This Maritime classic tells the magical story of Lee, a lonely girl in a coastal fishing village. One day she meets Lucky, a talking lobster trapped in a crate on the wharf. Lee sets Lucky free, and the two become friends. When Lee falls into the ocean during a terrible storm, Lucky shows how much he cares about her!
Now in a new, full-colour edition, Lobster in my Pocket is a joyful tale of friendship that will delight readers of all ages.
Additional information
Weight | 105 g |
Dimensions | 8 × 8 in |
Binding | Paperback |
Language | |
Date Published | January 9 2002 |
Awards this title has won | |
Artist | |
Author | |
Publisher | |
No of Pages | 36 |
Page Count | 36 |
ISBN | 9781551094236 |