• 150: Canada’s History in Poetry

    Editor: Judy Gaudet
    Publisher: Acorn Press

    This new collection of poems tells the story of 150 years as a country, recreating historical events through the vivid, concrete, human element of our poets’ responses to them. Judy Gaudet has collected poems that tell our story in a unique way: through the personal passions and concerns of artists who offer a range of encounters and attitudes. The poets represent a wide variety of Canadian experience: Indigenous, immigrant, and people from every part of the country and period of our history providing a solid representation of Canadian diversity. Poems come from many significant Canadian poets, as well as some lesser known and emerging poets and folk writers.

    This journey through the works of our greatest poets and thier reflections on their experiences of the events that have shaped Canada, and continue to shape Canada, provide an exciting and lasting addition to our sense of who we are and where we’ve been, and gives us a basis on which to think about our attitudes and directions for the future.

    150: Canada’s History in Poems provides Canadians with an alternative history to the one they read about in textbooks. Looking at our history through the eyes of our artists is not only enlightening, but can give insight into the powerful truths of our past.

  • Your’re Flying, Baby

    Created by: Judy Gaudet
    Publisher: Acorn Press

    “Christina is a little baby. She can’t walk, she can’t even crawl. Her mother puts her on the floor on a blanket. She lays her down on her stomach and turns away to make the supper.”

    You?re Flying, Baby is a lovely tribute to the tummy time. When Christina was a baby, she spent lots of time on her tummy. But Christina wantd to do more than that. By kicking her arms and legs, her mother imagined that Christina really wanted to fly. Based on the experiences of this mother-daughter team, You?re Flying, Baby is a sweet addition to the any baby’s tummy time.

  • Her Teeth are Stones

    Created by: Judy Gaudet
    Publisher: Acorn Press

    Each of Judy Gaudet’s poems is a path to somewhere resonant, redolent of memories and anticipations both bittersweet and beautiful. She traces the paths the mind and body takes purposefully, as well as those it happens onto, by chance or consequence. The poems light on home and history, travel afar, return again. They are marked by the toughness of wholly looking and experiencing and are leavened by wry humour and true gratitude for the beauty and magic that touch the earth’s days — and our human ones, tripping over the stones of her path. Her Teeth Are Stones is Judy Gaudet’s first full-length poetry book, following her chapbook Poems, you say.
