Un bisou coquelicot

Marie-France Comeau

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ISBN: 9782897502843

Un bisou coquelicot

  Author:   Marie-France Comeau    
  Publisher:  Bouton d’or Acadie

Aly spends Remembrance Day with her great-grandfather. The latter is all dressed up, beret on his head and medals lined up on his veteran’s chest. Cling, clang, cling… One medal at a time, Aly discovers what her grandfather experienced in Normandy, the origin and meaning of the poppy and the importance of this day.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9782897502843
Item BA0117
PublisherBouton d’or Acadie
PublisherBouton d'or Acadie
Published on July 6 2022
Language fre
Pages 28
Format Hardcover
Dimensions8.5(in) x 8.5(in)
Shipping weight284(g)
Marie-France Comeau comes from Free Grant, in the north-east of New-Brunswick. As an educator, she often brings tales to her work to access the world of children, either making them up herself or drawing them out of books. In her mind, there's nothing like a well-told story to comfort children, make them laugh, soothe them or just focus their minds on something new.