Bubba Begonia, You’re Such A Lucky Guy
Artist: Dale McNevinPublisher: Acorn Press$9.95Bubba is distraught? so distraught that he decides he is going to skip Christmas this year. He can?t help but think about how his life was blowing up; how his favourite teacher, Miss Pimple, is getting married on Christmas day, his parents have forgotten he existed since his new baby brother, Bob, arrived a few months ago, and he is sure that he won?t get what he most wants for Christmas ? a puppy. That is until Miss Pimple ask him for a big favour? to take on her dog as her fiancé is allergic. Life changes dramatically with a new puppy and a new baby to look after but soon Bubba realizes that his dog is the best Christmas present ever.
Bubba Begonia and the Bully
Artist: Dale McNevinPublisher: Acorn Press$8.95It was the first day of school and Bubba Begonia felt great. Then -SPLAT! Bubba meets his new classmate Stinky Biggs. He also meetsa stalking crow, a pair of puppets who speak Wabatawbee, a skunknamed Chiclet, a Flying Bag of Doom, and a dog with gas. He accidentallyrobs a bank, he’s called a ‘hero’ and is given a reward. Hehas the worst birthday party ever, sees his favourite teacher drippingwith egg, buys a wedding cake that tastes like ‘looove’, saves abully’s butt and nearly ends up in the slammer. This can’t be good,can it?
Bubba Begonia You’ve Done it Again!
Artist: Dale McNevinPublisher: Acorn Press$7.95Gerry O’Brien writes humourous chapter books, picture books, and lyrics for 7-12-year-olds. His lyrics have been sung by Corduroy Bear, Franklin The Turtle, and The Care Bears, and his stories, poems and plays have won numerous writing awards. He lives in Argyle Shore, Prince Edward Island. This is his third Bubba Begonia book.Illustrator Brenda Jones is a native of Prince Edward Island, and is a commercial designer and film animator who now lives in Montreal. She has illustrated a dozen books, including Bubba Begonia, You’ll be Sorry!, Bubba Begonia and the Mudmen of the Koola Boola, My Mother is Weird, Bud the Spud and Buddy the Blue-Nosed Reindeer.
Bubba Begonia and the Mudmen of the Koola Boola
Artist: Dale McNevinPublisher: Acorn Press$7.95Bubba Begonia’s back! This time he and his two pals, Harold Haymow and Rad Chad Disco, learn the hard way that if you’re going to mess with the colourful and unpredictable Moonbaby Orbit, then you’d better be prepared to pay the price.After playing a wildly successful practical joke on Moonbaby and her sidekick, Margo Marvelous, the boys find themselves out in the middle of nowhere, drenched in stinky perfume and watching helplessly as Moonbaby and Margo run off with their clothes. The boys’ journey back to civilization is a zany adventure that ends when the boys, dressed in mud and rhubarb leaves, enlist the help of Hippo, The Black-Nosed Rottenweiler to invade Camp What-A-Girl to find their missing clothes.
Bubba Begonia, You’ll Be Sorry
Artist: Brenda JonesPublisher: Acorn Press$8.95Bubba Begonia is a young boy who desperately wants to make a good impression on the first day at his new school. But Bubba is nervous. Very nervous. And when he gets nervous his finger just seems to naturally head to his nose. “Bubba! Don’t be messin’ with your nose,” admonishes his mother. “Your finger’ll get stuck and then you’ll be sorry!”But Deerwatson Elementary isn’t your ordinary school. And Bubba’s classmates aren’t your ordinary students. In meeting the zaniest bunch of kids ever assembled, Bubba makes a memorable first impression when his mother’s words of warning come true.In his first chapter book (ages 8 and up), Gerry O’Brien creates an hilarious story of a young boy who overcomes an embarrassing personal habit with the help of his equally embarrassing little sister.