• How to Build the Footy Model Presto

    Created by: Flavio Falcoi
    Publisher: WoodenBoat Books

    A “Footy” is a internationally recognized model boat sailing class, taking its name from the 12” long box the hull must fit into to comply with the rules.The book is packed with step-by-step building photos, suppliers of materials including radio control units, a reduced sized complete set of building plans (yes, you could scale-up) a lengthy intro to the evolution of the PRESTO design, as well some Flavio sketches for ideas of other boats.Built from solid balsa, PRESTO complies with the Footy model rules by fitting into the 12” x 6” box… on the diagonal, to give her just a bit more length. Flavio is very competitive. And, you’ll find his wave-length / hull-drag test info quite interesting. But the thing that will absolutely grab you is the boat itself–quite handsome, and packed with personality.About the author: Flavio Faloci resides in Genoa, Italy, where he makes his living as a naval architect at the head office of the Registro Italiano Navale, the Italian equivalent of the American Bureau of Ships. He is also team captain and chief designer of the Trieste Waterbike Team, current holder of the Guiness record for longest distance covered in 24 hours. He is also the Italian registrar for the Footy model class, as well as a skilled cook of cakes, ice creams, and cookies.
