Sonja Novkovic

Sonja Novkovic

SONJA NOVKOVIC PhD is a Professor in the Economics Department at Saint Mary's University in Halifax. She also teaches in the Masters for Managers of Co-operatives and Credit Unions Program. Her research interests are in worker co-operatives, democratic firms and employee participation, as well as comparative economic systems and the social economy. Besides other publications, she co-edited a book Co-operative Firms in Global Markets: Incidence, Viability and Performance (Elsevier Science, 2007), and guest edited a special issue of the U.K. Journal of Co-operative Studies in 2008. She is past President of the International Association for Economics of Participation and Vice President of Canadian Association for Studies in Cooperation. She is the recipient of the CASC merit award in 2010.

Books By Sonja Novkovic