• Alerte à Richibouctou

    Created by: Roland Daigle
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    It’s the Second World War and John and his uncle Fred are going smelt fishing when they see a military plane crash, and a parachute fly down… In the middle of the night, as a storm is raging, they get captured by captain Otto Von Muller, who orders them to lead him to Richibouctou’s lighthouse. But his radio message to a German submarine will be intercepted by a Canadian corvette…

  • Samuel et la tuque de Noel

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Samuel is a scaredy-cat, scared of cats. He doesn’t get close to them. But one winter day, he sees a kitten outside and decides to take it home…

    Later, Samuel is busy making snow angels when three snowflakes offer him to become one of Santa’s elves… But Samuel is just a normal boy, how could he ever be a brave and serviceable elf and deserve the famous Christmas touque?

  • Un Gamin Acadien L’odyssée de Roméo Leblanc vers Rideau Hall

    Created by: Beryl Young
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Né sur une ferme dans le village de l’Anse-des-Cormier, au Nouveau-Brunswick, le jeune Roméo LeBlanc ne se doutait pas que, grâce à l’amour de sa famille et à l’aide inattendue de ses soeurs, il aurait un jour la chance de faire des études secondaires et universitaires, de devenir enseignant d’histoire puis journaliste, et de gravir les échelons politiques jusqu’au plus haut sommet! Malgré tout, Roméo LeBlanc conservera toute sa vie une grande modestie et un grand sens de l’humour.

    Découvrez l’odyssée d’un gamin acadien jusqu’à Rideau Hall, la résidence officielle du gouverneur général à Ottawa.

  • Comptines et cuisine

    Created by: Sophie Gayer
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A cheerful parade of creatures and animals creating amusing, original and easy-to-remember nursery rhymes in their trail. Plus, dishes dreamed up by the author and based on these bizarre creatures with easy, mostly no-cook recipes. Children can prepare and taste their dishes without turning the kitchen upside down. Simple ingredients and festive, mainly healthy results. Children and parents may even want to create their own delicious bestiary!

  • À dos d’amour

    Created by: Marie-France Comeau
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A daddy carries his child on his back.
    The child’s eyes look in amazement and discover
    nature’s wonders : the conversation between Birch and Cattail,
    the wiggling eel, the great heron chasing a field mouse…
    A day in the life of a father and his child.
    A day out in nature, by a river.
    All in all, a day filled with love !

  • Congé pour maman

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Sophie is jumping with joy. She’s bringing her mom to the beach for a well-deserved break. Of course, everything needs to be prepared: games, parasols, sunscreen, driving there. Then, at the beach, small problems arise that gets in the way of relaxation: gusts of wind and moods, stinging sand and jelly fish, and bathroom calls.

    But Sophie persists. After all, mom deserves a break.

  • Grandes roues et petits pois

    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Émilie looks around her. Nobody close by to help her out. She’s unsure. She dreams of becoming a champion… Will today be the day she sets out on her bike to conquer her big wheels? But she is so small, the rocks so big, and she’s a little bit afraid… Mom, who’s not far in the garden tending to her peas, isn’t aware of Émilie’s hesitations. Come on! Take a deep breath and… let’s go!

  • Le Revenant de la Baie Sainte-Marie

    Created by: Denis Boucher
    Artist: Paul Roux
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    On the shores of Baie Sainte-Marie in Nova Scotia, an evil wizard has returned to haunt a mystified Acadian community. The three musketeers, Gabriel, Ania, and Mamadou and their faithful dog Dali leave New Brunswick to head for their eighth suspenseful adventure. Aided by mamie Josette, professor Jarnigoine and a slightly ridiculous Indiana Jones clone–can their little team vanquish the malicious spirit before the troubles get out of hand?

  • En Attendant L’Autobus Melanie Legere

    Created by: Melanie Légèr
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Every morning Claude and his dad wait for the bus at the roadside. Rain snow or shine, they entertain each other with jokes and stories while watching the little bus get bigger as it nears. But it seems like little Claude is getting bigger too, and pretty soon he’s not so eager to be seen there waiting with his daddy.

  • Meet Me at Green Gables

    Created by: Michel Bourque
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Gracie Finley and Glenda Landry, two young girls from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, both dream of being on stage. This is in the 1960s, just as the Confederation Centre of the Arts opens its doors in their hometown. Gracie and Glenda soon join the new theatre’s company of actors and become best friends. To the delight of audiences, they take on the roles of kindred spirits Anne and Diana in the marvelous musical inspired by the novel Anne of Green Gables.

    Also available in French: Rideau Rouge et Pignons Verts.

  • Ils Sont…

    Created by: Michel Thériault
    Artist: Magali Ben
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Same-sex couples haven’t always been accepted in our society, but it is possible for love and beauty to triumph. Two boys are friends and age gracefully together as a same-sex couple. With this story, Acadian singer-songwriter Michel Thériault adds a string to his bow and illustrator Magali Ben dazzles with exceptional colours.

  • Une âme suffit

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    When Cassandre, an orphan, is adopted by a couple, she doesn’t suspect that she just entered a mysterious world. Her parents soon give her a gift: eternal youth. But there is a price to pay for immortality, and Cassandre is not ready to submit herself to it!

    Determined to limit the damage caused by this “gift,” she tries to keep a low profile in her new school, but Antoine, a classmate with devastating charm, does not see things the same way. He notices Cassandre’s strange abilities hands her a comicbook he made, suggesting that he knows her secret. Neither superhero nor vampire, who is she? Will she have to sacrifice her soulmate to regain freedom?

  • Appi, lutin parfumeur

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Appi is a pixie, unlike any other: she is a shy perfume sprite. Despite her legendary shyness, she is preparing for an extraordinary outing: today is the day the purple waterlily blooms, which occurs only once every ten years! Determined to obtain the nectar from the precious flower for its fragrance, Appi goes on a quest. But she is not the only one searching for the treasured extract!

  • Drôle de Soccer !

    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Two young Canada geese discover a strange object in their natural habitat. Believing that it is a dinosaur egg, they alert their flock immediately. They quickly ban together when a group of strangers arrives and begins kicking the abandoned egg. What ensues is a very funny match. Will the geese enforce the rules of the game between man and nature?

  • Le Pit à papa

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Here is the story of Petites Lunettes and her love for her father. Papa Arthur loves her too, but he has a weakness for cars. These cars become entertwined with her life: she grows up with them, is bathed in their music, and they will eventually take her away from the beloved island where her family lives. But some cars have wings that can circle back to close the loop on the scenic road of love!

  • Marcher dans le ciel

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Poet laureate and spoken word artist Sonia Cotton with the help of Annie Boulanger’s loving illustrations have created a unique book. Arrival of new neighbours, search for self-esteem, loss of a beloved grand-father, existence of time, mental stability, joy of creativity, amongst other, are explored with simple and yet profound words and images. A great high in content, low in reading difficulty book, sure to stimulate family or class room discussions.

  • Une étoile sur la dune

    Created by: Danielle Loranger
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Written and illustrated by a painter who knows from personal experience how it feels for a child to be locked within oneself; this book travels a unique path. An artist’s book, accessible to the whole family, where imagery and words draw us towards the healing sea. No miracle cures, just a simple story of love, patience, and self-discovery, woven by mother, father, brother and the seashore.

  • Le colosse des neiges de Campbellton

    Created by: Denis Boucher
    Artist: Paul Roux
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Gabriel, Ania and Mamadou, followed by their faithful dog, are on a ski vacation in Campbellton. But soon, they find themselves scouting a terrifying beast up frozen paths and towards a splendid mansion nestled near Mount Sugarloaf. The owner is a likeable Swiss chocolate millionaire, however Ania, the know-it-all of the young detective trio, is not buying his story. Will the skills of the ‘Three Musketeers’ finally falter on their 7th adventure?

  • Riette l’assiette

    Created by: Anne-Marie Sirois
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Does Charlotte the artist know that behind her back, Table and Chair are wrestling for Riette the plate’s attention? Riette is so attractive in her yellow polkadotted attire! Take care: this love triangle might just end up with something broken… But take heart: something new will appear, because, after all, an artist is handy with her hands, her imagination and re-using can be so productive!

  • Le trésor de Memramcook

    Created by: Dominic Langlois
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    It isn’t easy being the new kid in a seemingly quiet village where everyone shares familiar ties. The school principal insists Marie the grumbler, from Quebec, work with Mathieu Landry, the teaser. Marie resists all she can, but finally, between the wind, Mathieu’s persistence and his grandfather’s insistence there is a treasure to be found in the Memramcook valley, Marie discovers the story about the Acadian Renaissance. And a treasure to boot!

  • Quacko Académie

    Created by: Ryan McIntyre
    Artist: Dano LeBlanc
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Quacko is feeling blue. He has friends, but no voice. That’s embarrassing for a duck! And how in the world will he get Fine Plume’s attention? The big singing contest is coming up soon; Quacko is afraid he’ll look bad. However, his instinct to help a competitor ends up helping him learn to sing in his own voice, and win over his sweetheart!

  • Diego l’escargot

    Created by: Marie-France Comeau
    Artist: Giles Cormier
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Diego has just landed in New Brunswick, searching someone who will love him more than anything in the world. But it isn’t easy to make friends when you leave a long gooey trail behind you! After a few encounters he is dropped by a heron in the Botanical Gardens in St-Jacques du Madawaska. There, a chef from Brittany is cooking up… snail soup! But who knows? Maybe love will conquer!

  • Capitaine Baboune / Captain Crankypants

    Created by: Michel Ouellette
    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Arnaud, previously met in The Ogre’s belly finds himself too old for outdoor play. He appears to have mutated into the king of grouches, and so will be kidnapped onto Captain Crankypants’ celestial ship, which strangely enough, runs on grouses and grumbles. Fortunately, Loïc, Arnaud’s little brother, is not too old to trust Dylan of the Mountains, a gentle dragon who has come to Arnaud’s rescue. Armed mostly with good faith, they pair off to save Arnaud. Captain Crankypants better be wary!

    Crankiness might be the order of the day for Arnaud but will he really enjoy being forcibly enlisted on Captain Crankypants celestial ship?

  • ma maman toute neuve / My Brand New Mommy

    Created by: Josee Larocque
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    My mom and dad have decided to make a little brother, without asking my half-brother, my half-sisters or my advice. The almost baby brother isn’t even here yet and he is already stealing my thunder. My good old mom has gotten too big and fragile. I need a new one! Our neighbour Sandy would be perfect! I’ve made up my mind; I’m moving!

  • Le Départ de Julie

    Created by: Marie-France Comeau
    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Du lever au coucher du soleil, Julie vivait son quotidien. Chaque lundi, elle faisait son lavage. Avec la complicité de mère nature et un « Salut, Marie », les nuages gris disparaissaient. Mais un insecte à six pattes l’observait et attendait son heure. Puis, un jour, les draps blancs de Julie furent noirs de fourmis… Mais où emmène-t-on Julie et sa petite ? 

    Texte poétique magnifiquement illustré. Il a été inspiré par la Déportation des Acadiens de 1755, mais il peut fort bien s’appliquer aux nombreux départs forcés ou déplacements de population actuels. 

  • Tihtiyas and Jean

    Artist: Naomi Mitcham
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    À travers le regard de Tihtiyas, on assiste à la grande aventure de l’arrivée, de l’installation et du premier hiver des Français à l’île Muttoneguis (Sainte-Croix). Parmi eux, se trouve Jean qui se liera d’amitié avec Tihtiyas.

  • The Last Wild Boy

    Created by: Hugh MacDonald
    Publisher: Acorn Press

    This is a new young adult novel by P.E.I.’s Poet Laureate. It is a dystopic story about Nora who lives in the walled city of Aahimsa, anidyllic community of girls and women working together to make a peaceful life free of the brutality of the outsiders. As the companionof the mayor of Aahimsa’s daughter, Alice, she enjoys privileges that other women from the working class can only dream of.But when she and Alice find an outsider baby abandoned within the city walls, Nora starts to question whether the outsiders poseas much of a threat to her civilization as she’s been taught. With the baby’s life in danger, Nora must decide whether she’s willingto give up everything she has to save him, and who she can trust to help her.

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    Emma and the Ducklings

    Created by: Patti Larsen
    Artist: Matt Reid
    Publisher: Acorn Press

    Emma loved visiting the garden centre with her Mom and Dad. She loved the smell of the air and all of the pretty flowers. But this one special visit to the centre introduces Emma to the duck’s nest. Little did she know that soon she would visit the centre just as the ducklings were hatching.

  • Comment Naquirent un poulain,cinq chatons et la Confederation

    Created by: Deirdre Kessler
    Artist: Brenda Jones
    Publisher: Acorn Press

    L’action du dernier roman de l’auteure primée de livres pour enfants Deirdre Kessler se déroule à l’été de 1864. Les jumeaux Gabriel et Grace, de neuf ans, aident leurs parents à l’écurie familiale de la rue Great George, à Charlottetown. Ils assistent à toute l’excitation provoquée par la venue d’un cirque en ville et l’arrivée par bateau de politiciens des Maritimes et de la province du Canada-Uni. Les jumeaux suivent des leçons de dessin de leur ami, l’artiste Robert Harris, de quatorze ans, qui joue dans l’orchestre chargé de divertir les délégués lors du grand bal et du banquet offerts à l’édifice colonial. Mais les jumeaux sont plus excités à cause de leur cheval préféré, qui va bientàt donner naissance à son premier poulain.

    Remontez dans le temps et parcourez les rues de Charlottetown pour jeter un regard sur les réunions ayant mené à la Confédération, avec ce livre magnifiquement illustré par l’artiste primée Brenda Jones.

  • What If ? – Springvale

    Publisher: Acorn Press

    Students of Valerie Dockendorff’s grade 5/6 at Springvale Elementary, Halifax, have written and illustrated a book to address a variety of world issues in a positive manner. We wish to raise awareness about problems faced by kids all over the world by imagining what it would be like if the problems didn’t exist! All messages and illustrations depict positive images that send a message of hope and provide concrete ways for readers to take action to celebrate and improve our world….word by word.

  • Sky Pony

    Publisher: Acorn Press

    Elaine Breault Hammond, the author of the best-selling The Secret Under the Whirlpool, Under the Waterfall, and Explosion at Dawson Creek, has lived in six provinces as well as in the United States. She and her family lived on Prince Edward Island. Now she divides her time between PEI in the summertime and Kingston, Ontario, the rest of the year, where she is close to four of her seven grandchildren

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