Tamra Wight

Tamra Wight

Tamra Wight lives in Turner, Maine. She and her family ran the Poland Spring Campground for more than twenty years, which provided Tamra with plenty of inspiration for her spirited and exciting fiction. All four Cooper and Packrat Adventures, Mystery on Pine Lake, Mystery of the Eagle's Nest, Mystery of the Missing Fox, and Mystery of the Bear Cub are Junior Library Guild selections. When Tamra isn't writing, she enjoys wildlife watching, hiking, geo-caching, kayaking, power-walking, and snowshoeing. She can often be found (for those who know where to look) hiding under her "cloak of invisibility," a huge poncho-shaped camouflage cloth that she uses to disguise herself from passing skunks, coyotes, and foxes.

Books By Tamra Wight