Vintage Moncton A History in Pictures
Publisher: MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.$29.95In 2012, Ryan Gagné found a photo of the pink subway and posted it to his personal Facebook page. In less than an hour, he had more than 100 likes. He was floored by the interest and wanted the photo to reach more people, and the Vintage Moncton Facebook page was born. Today it has more than 17,000 followers.
So, do you remember the pink subway? Do you remember the UFO pizza shop or the ridiculously narrow Gunningsville bridge? With more than 140 photos—many of them seen here for the first time—Vintage Moncton: A History in Pictures offers a one-of-a-kind portrait of the Hub City.
Vintage Moncton: A History in Pictures provides a look back at just how much the city has changed over the years.
New Brunswick Haunted Houses and other tales of strange and eerie events
Artist: Carol TaylorPublisher: Neptune Publishing$9.95Best selling mystery writer Dorothy Dearborn takes the reader into the haunted homes of New Bruswick in her book New Brunswick Haunted Houses.
Legends, Oddities and Mysteries including UFO experiences in New Brunswick
Artist: Carol TaylorPublisher: Neptune Publishing$9.95In Legends, Oddities and Mysteries, author Dorothy Dearborn takes readers on a journey through some of New Brunswick’s legends and lore.
Excerpt from the book:
“This time when she took the picture it was as if the black iron door had created a negative image and the outline of the face and features were clearer and sharper than ever … It was not unusual for well-to-do families to have their own crematoria in their cellars.”Hangman’s Noose A New Brunswick Book
Artist: Carol TaylorPublisher: Neptune Publishing$8.95In her book The Hangman’s Noose, Dorothy Dearborn explores the stories and traditions of more than 200 years of legal lynchings in New Brunswick. The most successful hangmen turned, what was often perceived as a ghoulish task, into what others considered to be a work of art, the success of which was based on effecting a clean and quick kill.
An Anecdotal History York and Sunbury Counties of New Brunswick
Publisher: Neptune Publishing$11.95Dorothy Dearborn began writing as a child and published her first poetry and short stories in the 1950s. A television career in the 1960s was interrupted by 6 years of front-line political involvement before choosing journalism as a career. She served in various editorial positions, including that of city editor, at the Saint John Times Globe and was editor of two weekly newspapers, The Kings County Record and the Saint John Citizen.
Among her many interests are the promotion of adult literacy in New Brunswick and an often frustrating romance with Duplicate Bridge.
Mrs. Dearborn continues to work as a journalist contributing regularly to regional, national and international newspapers and magazines and, in recent years established and publishes her own magazine, We’re Home.
When not traveling the province researching and collecting stories and information for her work she can be found in front of her Macintosh computer at the family’s 19th century farmhouse in Hampton, in the company of her new dog, Golden Boy. Ancient pony ‘Soupy’ and a motley assortment of other critters roam the fields.
She is married to Fred Dearborn, they have four grown children and numerous grandchildren.
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Her Final Goodbye
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One Strong Girl
$21.95One Strong Girl is a mother’s vivid account of what it is like to lose her daughter, India, to a rare debilitating disease. The story is a bold description of what it means to deal with deep sorrow and still find balance and beauty in an age steeped in the denial of death. At ten, India climbed the highest on the rope at gymnastics, yet by sixteen was so weak she was unable to even dress herself. The narrative follows the six-year fight for answers from the medical community. Finally, after the genetic testing of India’s DNA, it was discovered there were two mutations on her ASAH1 gene, a deadly combination. Today her cells are alive in a research lab at the University of Ottawa. This is a legacy that cuts both ways, a point of pride and pain. One Strong Girl is a story of what it’s like to outlive an only child. It describes the intensity of loving a dying child and most importantly, the joy to be found, even amidst the sorrow.
Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader
$19.95Do you know when the Vikings established their settlement at L’ase aux Meadows? Or that the only known case of Germans landing in North America during the Second World War was in Newfoundland? When was the last public execution held in Newfoundland and what was it like on execution day? From North America’s oldest city to the eastern point in North America, the Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader is the book that should be in every Newfoundlander’s outhouse. If you love Newfoundland and Labrador (and we know you do), you simply must have the Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader.
Maritime Monsters
Artist: Jeff SolwayPublisher: Nimbus Publishing$12.95This children’s picture book is a field guide to Maritime monsters, taken from local folklore and legends. The monsters described include Prince Edward Island’s Old Hook-Snout, New Brunswick’s Acadian Werewolf, Nova Scotia’s Parker Road Phantom and Newfoundland’s Not-So-Cuddly Kraken!
Each entry includes a short story featuring the monster and a field guide entry: location, diet, size, frequency, description, and special monster-hunting advice. An indispensable resource for the young Maritime monster hunter!
Dancing on a Powder Keg
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$39.95Ilse Weber’s letters document the life of a young Jewish author of children’s book, as she and her family were gradually trapped and persecuted in Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia. Her poems, written and performed in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, have become an international symbol of the camp and ghetto poetry. Ilse saved her older son, but she and her younger son were gassed in Auschwitz.
It Is Always Summer
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$6.95It Is Always Summer is the last of the four Kingston novels that David Helwig produced in the closing decades of the last century in which, as one reviewer put it, he “transforms Kingston into an exotic Venice of the north.”(Matt Cohen) The narrative is as luxurious and disturbing as the lives reflected in it. This new edition has been revised by the author. “David Helwig has done that rare thing: written a novel about men and women that describes all characters in equal detail, sensitivity and depth in poetic, sensual language.” (Montreal Gazette.)
The Ballad of Billie Potts
Artist: P. John BurdenPublisher: Bunim & Bannigan$14.99One of the most significant early works of Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989) —the American writer and literary critic who is the only person to have won Pulitzer Prizes in both fiction and poetry —The Ballad of Billie Potts has, in the decades since it was released in Warren’s 1943 volume Selected Poems, proven far more universal than its setting between the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers in western Kentucky might suggest.
Now, publisher Bunim & Bannigan, Ltd. makes this classic of mid-century American literature available to the modern reader with the release of a new edition featuring a thought-provoking new introduction from John Burt and powerful, fantastic-realist illustrations by artist P. John Burden.
David Lazar A Novel
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$24.50Robert Kalich blurs the lines between memoir and fiction to tell a timeless story of love and redemption, with a dash of noir.
David Lazar is a born and bred New Yorker reflecting on the arc of his life as he composes his memoir. Filled with colorful New York characters–childhood friends, business mentors, wealthy associates, organized crime figures, celebrities, and sports stars–and told by a complex and compelling narrator, the city from the 1950s up to the present comes alive. The Big Apple is Lazar’s cradle and his cauldron, and a life like Lazar’s is unique to New York City.
A professional sports gambler, Lazar is haunted by the immoral nature of the very work that made him rich. His innermost being is shaken as he reimagines the dehumanizing nature of his work and former life. Did he sell his soul to make it? Is there redemption for wealth based on corruption and violence? If he is completely honest, does he risk losing what he cherishes the most: the love and respect of his wife and son? Lazar has a decision to make. This is the story of a perilous journey into the soul of a man who risks losing far more than he’s ever won.
Welcome to the world of David Lazar, the world of doubt and self-doubt, where life is lived as a novel and a novel is truer than life.
The Case of Paul Kammerer The Most Controversial Biologist of His Time
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$27.99The Case of Paul Kammerer is a well-researched and highly readable historical account of one of the biggest, till today unsolved scientific scandals. Paul Kammerer, ‘the father of epigenetic,’ was a talented and idealistic biologist, whose ground-breaking research made headlines worldwide. Vienna at the turn of the 20th century, where Kammerer lived and worked, was at its creative peak yet already declining toward Nazism. The book that reads like a detective story, provides new evidence for the events that led to Kammerer’s tragic end while exposing the implicit yet dangerous links between science and politics.
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$18.95Betrayed by his oldest friend, a boyhood companion, his gingerly constructed career at stake, Clyde Bryanton, a property developer and Ottawa political consultant, unpeels layers and layers of memory, a half century of getting along by going along. Fatherless, his sire a casualty of the Dieppe raid, Clyde is as baffled by the emotions that occasionally sound from his depths as he is by his mentors, banker and the senator who manipulate money and power in a small Canadian city. A stranger even to his wife, who dubs him ‘Silent Joe,’ he navigates social, familial, political and commercial obligations with the same cool skills he exhibits on the golf courses that weave in and out of the fabric of his life. The darkest of secrets become no more to Clyde than the bunkers and sand traps he avoids with his selections of irons as he gambles a mysterious five thousand dollars against access to the wife of an envied son of privilege. This latest novel by distinguished Canadian author David Helwig, describes a North America, whether Canada or the United States, of eyes on the ground and noses to the grindstone, of business as politics and politics as business, of kindness and malice and nameless fear. Clyde, is an incisive portrait of the generation that came of age in the 1960s, and of the culture that came to dominate the second half of the twentieth century.
Show Me The Way To Go Home
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$18.95With near total recall, the author recreates what it was like, from a child’s point of view, to be tied to a charming, naïve single mother. The years are 1936 to 1948; the milieu, the New Jersey Oranges. Navigating the hardships of the Great Depression and the mysteries of world conflict, young Dorothy Jane asks one teacher if a war is ever ‘off.’ Show Me The Way To Go Home follows the unanchored, at times rakish, existence of a feckless mother and innocent daughter who rarely spending more than a few seasons at one address. It is a tale of resiliency and courage, of a child’s growing awareness of her predicament, and her gradually achieved maturity.
A Sunday in Hell
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$9.99In addition to a selection of Berrigan’s prize-winning poetry, Sunday in Hell contains fables in which the author, at his witty best, illustrates our follies. In one, for example, a nation’s resources go into a vast hole in the ground, creating an endless demand that succors a sick economy. In a new prologue, Berrigan explores the roots of his beliefs. An afterword by Hugh MacDonald presents an Atlantic Canadian’s perspective.
Grumbling Hive Revisited Private Greed, Public Need
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$8.99In the original Grumbling Hive, dishonesty and vice created employment and wealth, inspiring Adam Smith, whose idealization of markets is a template for today’s unbridled capitalism. In Mandeville Sr.’s fable, a turn to honesty by his bees ( miniature Europeans) ruins the economy. In Mandeville Jr.’s fable, bees as they are, a community based on mutual support and selfless care, are ruined by the adoption of unbridled capitalism.
Our Lady of Steerage
Publisher: Bunim & Bannigan$26.95The visceral connection between Dvorah, rejected infant of grieving mother, and Mariasse, a young girl from Krakow, who nurses her in the lower decks of the ship carrying them to the new world. For four decades they wander in and out of each other’s lives, their relationship weathering fierce devotion and bitter betrayal. Its image-driven prose manifests the vagaries of memory and the struggle for self-reinvention.