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An Anecdotal History York and Sunbury Counties of New Brunswick
Dorothy Dearborn began writing as a child and published her first poetry and short stories in the 1950s. A television career in the 1960s was interrupted by 6 years of front-line political involvement before choosing journalism as a career. She served in various editorial positions, including that of city editor, at the Saint John Times Globe and was editor of two weekly newspapers, The Kings County Record and the Saint John Citizen.
Among her many interests are the promotion of adult literacy in New Brunswick and an often frustrating romance with Duplicate Bridge.
Mrs. Dearborn continues to work as a journalist contributing regularly to regional, national and international newspapers and magazines and, in recent years established and publishes her own magazine, We’re Home.
When not traveling the province researching and collecting stories and information for her work she can be found in front of her Macintosh computer at the family’s 19th century farmhouse in Hampton, in the company of her new dog, Golden Boy. Ancient pony ‘Soupy’ and a motley assortment of other critters roam the fields.
She is married to Fred Dearborn, they have four grown children and numerous grandchildren.