Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader

Vernon Oickle

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ISBN: 9781772760125

Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader

  Author:   Vernon Oickle    
  Publisher:  MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.

Do you know when the Vikings established their settlement at L’ase aux Meadows? Or that the only known case of Germans landing in North America during the Second World War was in Newfoundland? When was the last public execution held in Newfoundland and what was it like on execution day? From North America’s oldest city to the eastern point in North America, the Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader is the book that should be in every Newfoundlander’s outhouse. If you love Newfoundland and Labrador (and we know you do), you simply must have the Newfoundland and Labrador Outstanding Outhouse Reader.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781772760125
Item MP0058
PublisherMacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.
PublisherMacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.
Published on September 7 2016
Language eng
Pages 264
Format Paperback
Dimensions7(in) x 5(in)
Shipping weight247(g)
Vernon Oickle is an international award winning journalist, editor and writer with 33 years experience working in newspapers. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Red Sky at Night and bestselling series, One Crow. Vernon and his wife Nancy have two sons, Kellen and Colby. He continues to reside in Liverpool where he was born and raised.