
Rennie MacKenzie

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ISBN: 9781895415797


  Author:   Rennie MacKenzie    
  Publisher:  Breton Books

A monument to courage and achievement, BLAST! tells the stories of all eighteen major disasters in Cape Breton’s coal mining history. Best-selling author of In the Pit,and That Bloody Cape Breton Coal, Rennie MacKenzie now brings his coal miner’s eyes and heart to these painful, often staggering, stories of mishaps that resulted in three or more deaths- from the first boiler explosion in 1877 to the last methane disaster in 1979- each story told with real insider’s information about the horror and the causes of explosions and runaways, bumps and falls. BLAST! concludes with a powerful tribute to Cape Breton mine rescue teams- the draegermen.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781895415797
Item BB0068
PublisherBreton Books
PublisherBreton Books
Published on January 1 2007
Language eng
Pages 192
Format Paperback
Dimensions6(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight325(g)
Rennie MacKenzie worked for fifteen years in No. 12 and 18 Collieries--at the coal face and, with the coming of mechanization, driving diesel, hauling coal in the pit. Then he left the mines, became a college graduate, and served as a United Church minister. He retired to New Waterford where he lives with his wife.