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The Island Hoppers


This is the world’s first glimpse into the existence of The Island Hoppers, strange and remarkable creatures who roamed Cape Breton ten thousand years ago.


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What you are about to read in the pages of this book will surprise you, no doubt delight you, and most certainly enlighten you. This astonishing narrative reveals that before the great glaciers began to melt thousands of years ago and the waters swelled, the North Atlantic Ocean was populated by many small islands. On these islands lived several species of creatures called The Island Hoppers, each with its own unique, and often bizarre, way of life. As their islands began to slip into beneath the rising seas they travelled for months, perhaps years, until finally they found a new home. It was a beautiful island, large enough for all of them, with vast resources to meet their needs. That island was what we now know as Cape Breton. This book is the world’s first glimpse into the lives of the Island Hoppers. It will introduce you to the fierce Hhorts, with their thick garnet-hued leathery skin; and the peaceful Brens, who wrapped themselves in eelgrass and slept in stone vaults for fifteen-year hibernation cycles. The secret is out, and the Brens, Hhorts, Velyns, Gnags, Tomboms, Yrtles and Selch are now yours to discover.

Additional information

Weight205 g
Dimensions8 × 10 in
Awards this title has won






Date Published

April 30 2016


Page Count


No of Pages