Fine Lines

Cindy Etter-Turnbull

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ISBN: 9781895900774

Fine Lines

  Author:   Cindy Etter-Turnbull    
  Publisher:  Pottersfield Press

Fine Lines is a fun-filled book about a much overlooked aspect of North American culture: clotheslines. If you have you ever driven through communities and noticed all the lovely laundry handing on the line and asked yourself, “Why is that one different than this one?” You are about to find the truth behind those fine lines.
While other volumes pin their success to airing dirty laundry, this volume is a refreshing change: it’s the story of clean laundry hanging in a gentle summer breeze… as well as winter laundry frozen stiff as boards on the line in the back yard. Mrs. Clothesline examines in every detail the different kinds of lines, the various hanging methods and the personality profiles of those who participate in this age old daily ceremony. Once you’ve read this amazing book, you’ll never look at a drying line of wash the same way again.
Cindy writes of the unsurpassed magic of the best drying days, dos and don’ts for beginners and veterans, clothesline props, clothesline disasters and other related subject matter, Fine Lines covers it all. The author includes true life accounts of clothesline tragedies and triumphs from people across the country.
Fine Lines will be the book you need to revolutionize the way you look at laundry. It is intended for amateurs as well as professionals, men as well as women. This book will put to rest any questions you may have about the fine art of hanging our the wash.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781895900774
Item PC0150
PublisherPottersfield Press
PublisherPottersfield Press
Published on April 1 2006
Language eng
Pages 180
Format Paperback
Dimensions6(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight215(g)