Distinction Earned

Paul MacDougall

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ISBN: 9781897009482

Distinction Earned

  Author:   Paul MacDougall    
  Publisher:  Cape Breton University Press

Distinction Earned highlights the accomplishments of significant Cape Breton fighters like George “Rockabye” Ross (about who MacDougall has also penned a play), Tyrone Gardiner, Blair Richardson and Francis”Rocky” MacDougall and trainers like Johnny Nemis. Between 1965 and 1967 five national boxing champions in different weight classes were from Cape Breton.Paul MacDougall has collected dozens of interviews from participants, enthusiasts and their heirs, from which has evolved this account of an amazing sporting record.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781897009482
Item CB0068
PublisherCape Breton University Press
PublisherCape Breton University Press
Published on October 25 2010
Language eng
Pages 178
Format Paperback
Dimensions9.25(in) x 7.5(in)
Shipping weight360(g)
Paul MacDougall has researched this boxing era and collected dozens of interviews from participants, enthusiasts and their heirs, from which has evolved this account of an amazing sporting record. The book's title is taken from a citation of Cape Breton boxers at a Canadian Boxing Hall of Fame investiture in 1987.