Red Coat Brigade

Vernon Oickle

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ISBN: 9781927097816

Red Coat Brigade

  Author:   Vernon Oickle    
  Publisher:  MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.

On a warm, beautiful sunny day in June 1782, the women and young children of the village of Chester come together to defend their still-fledgling settlement against the invading and much more well-armed Americans. Armed only with their cunning and imagination, this rag-tag group of settlers pushed back the marauding intruders without the loss of a single life. In this fictional account of those events, veteran author Vernon Oickle weaves facts and legend to tell a story that has become part of Nova Scotia’s heritage and folklore.

“Vernon Oickle brings to life the treacherous privateering and divided loyalties that marked America’s Revolutionary War as it spilled over onto Nova Scotia’s shores. Red Coat is a gripping tale from start to finish, a must read.”
—Glenna Jenkins, author of Somewhere I Belong


“This is an historical thriller of the first order. It is a page turner . . . a book you simply won’t be able to put down.”
— Robert Hirtle,  journalist

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781927097816
Item MP0043
PublisherMacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.
PublisherMacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.
Published on May 15 2015
Language eng
Pages 165
Format Paperback
Dimensions7(in) x 5(in)
Shipping weight214(g)
Vernon Oickle is an international award winning journalist, editor and writer with 33 years experience working in newspapers. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Red Sky at Night and bestselling series, One Crow. Vernon and his wife Nancy have two sons, Kellen and Colby. He continues to reside in Liverpool where he was born and raised.

Quick Quotes

"Vernon Oickle's short vignettes are proof positive that Neil Gaiman was right when he said, 'Fear is a wonderful thing, in small doses.' These titillating tales will make your spine tingle. While some speak of old tragedies and sorrowful losses, the beauty of these masterfully told anecdotes of ethereal encounters is that they, again quoting Gaiman, 'can do nothing to hurt us,' and everything to delight lovers of eerie local lore." —Chris Benjamin, editor and author of Indian School Road, Eco-Innovators and Drive-by Saviours

"As someone who has investigated paranormal locations throughout the Maritimes, I loved reading Vernon Oickle's latest book, as well as all of his previous works. The tales he tells in this collection are haunting and eerie, and may even convert some of you so-called non-believers. It's always great seeing our folklore and local stories celebrated and being kept alive by authors like Vernon Oickle." —Earl Lattie, founder Paranormal Investigations of Nova Scotia