It Happened in New Brunswick

David Goss

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ISBN: 9781551096278

It Happened in New Brunswick

  Author:   David Goss    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

It Happened in New Brunswick features more than fifty stories about New Brunswick heroes and oddballs, funny happenings and tragic moments, by the province’s favourite storyteller, David Goss.

The stories span New Brunswick’s history and geography, bringing to light unknown characters and events, from the record-breaking bowlers of Saint John to the McAdam pharmacist who invented his own miracle flu medicine, and from Alex Haley’s surprise sojourn in Dalhousie to Campobello Island’s remarkable hermit. The book is divided into six thematic sections, including one of Acadian stories told in English, plus a section of amusing clippings and tidbits collected from old New Brunswick newspapers and archives.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551096278
Item NB0773
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on September 1 2007
Language eng
Pages 229
Format Paperback
Dimensions5.5(in) x 8(in)
Shipping weight315(g)
David Goss has written over 3,500 articles on New Brunswick topics, and is the author of a dozen books, including Only in New Brunswick, Saint John Curiosities, It Happened in New Brunswick, and West Side Stories. A native of Saint John, Goss has shared the city's folklore and history via his neighbourhood Walks n' Talks programs for almost forty years.