Historic Black Nova Scotia

Henry Bishop, Bridglal Pachai,

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ISBN: 9781551095516

Historic Black Nova Scotia

  Author:   Henry Bishop, Bridglal Pachai,  
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

The history of Nova Scotia’s black communities is a complex story of triumph and struggle, intertwined with the many stories of ancestors, destinies, and challenges. The knowledge and insight of veteran authors Bridglal Pachai and Henry Bishop provide welcome guidance to the mosaic of Nova Scotian black history in Historic Black Communities. Presented in the engaging format of an Images of Our Past book, this readable history book is interspersed with ample black and white photos, providing a visual link to the stories of the past.

Eleven chapters explore the African presence in Nova Scotia, and range from topics such as the influence of the church and the African United Baptist Association (AUBA); pioneers in publishing, law, politics and business; the legacy of Africville; heroes of sports, military, arts, and volunteer activism; Historic Black Communities provides a comprehensive, but always accessible entry into the many realms of black influence. Above all, the many photos and stories of this historic tribute salute the dignity and achievements of the resilient black community in Nova Scotia, and provide an unshakeable optimism for its promising future.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551095516
Item NB0670
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on April 15 2006
Language eng
Pages 130
Format Paperback
Dimensions9.25(in) x 6.5(in)
Shipping weight255(g)
Bridglal Pachai was born and raised in South Africa and came to Halifax in 1975. One of the foremost authorities on African Nova Scotian history, he has taught at Dalhousie, St. Mary's, and Mount Saint Vincent Universities, and served as executive director of the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia. He is the author/editor of seventeen books, including Historic Black Nova Scotia.