Historic Annapolis Valley

Mike Parker

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ISBN: 9781551095837

Historic Annapolis Valley

  Author:   Mike Parker    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

The allure of the Valley is its diversity- seacoast and agricultural land; ocean basins and fresh water lakes; tidal rivers and mountain streams; marshlands and meadows, fishing ports and farming hamlets, urban towns and country villages. Historically, the Valley’s heritage is as rich as its soil, with roots reaching back four hundred years. Historic Annapolis Valley is first and foremost about a region, not individual communities, although many are included as part of the overall story. The book covers the Annapolis Valley from Digby to Windsor, with an emphasis on the mid-valley, from Bridgetown to Berwick, beginning with the French in the 1600s and discussing topics relevant to the present day.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551095837
Item NB0707
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on November 7 2006
Language eng
Pages 162
Format Paperback
Dimensions6.5(in) x 9.25(in)
Shipping weight315(g)
Mike Parker is a best-selling author who has been writing about his native province for many years and has earned numerous accolades, including that of Nova Scotia's Storyteller. Mike is affiliated with the Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies at Saint Mary's University as a research associate. He is a graduate of Acadia University and a long-time resident of Dartmouth.