Flynn’s War

Finley Martin

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ISBN: 9781773661445

Flynn’s War

  Author:   Finley Martin    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

After returning from active service in the Second World War, Jimmy Flynn is living alone with his nightmares — until a suspicious death and unexpected inheritance draw him back to his childhood neighbourhood in the mining town of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Flynn and his oldest friends and newest acquaintances have to battle long-buried secrets and emerging turf wars if they are going to come out alive. But will mental scars of a foreign war prevent Flynn from surviving the one in his hometown?

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Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781773661445
Item AC0230
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on January 2 2024
Language ENG
Pages 246
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight334(g)
Finley Martin's education includes a B.A, M.A. (English) and a B.Ed., as well as Master's Certificate for forty-ton vessels. For two years he was public relations director for International Correspondence Schools and its subsidiaries. He had taught writing courses at the University of Prince Edward Island. His publishing credits include poetry and short stories. He wrote one history book: A View From the Bridge (1984). He edited and contributed to a literary anthology called New Atlantic Writing (1975). He penned feature stories for US and Canadian magazines and wrote and narrated five broadcast journalism pieces for CBC-Radio. He wrote two novels, The Reluctant Detective (2011) and the award-winning The Dead Letter (2015).