Country Roads

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ISBN: 9781551097596

Country Roads

Memoirs from Rural Canada

  Editor :   Pam Chamberlain  
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

Rural people, places, and communities vary greatly in a country as geographically vast and culturally diverse as Canada. For some, the country was a place of happiness and belonging; for others, it was a source of hardship and sorrow. For many, it was both. Some writers grew up loving their rural homes, never wanting to leave. Others couldn’t wait to escape to the city.
From Victoria, British Columbia, to St. John’s, Newfoundland, three generations of Canadians tell their stories of growing up in rural communities in Country Roads. The writers–including journalist Pamela Wallin, NHL coach Brent Sutter, and award-winning authors Sharon Butala and Rudy Wiebe–share one thing in common: they were all country kids whose upbringing profoundly impacted their identities. The thirty-two memoirs in Country Roads are sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking, but always engaging.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551097596
Item NB0883
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on May 5 2010
Language eng
Pages 280
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.75(in) x 6.25(in)
Shipping weight405(g)
Pam Chamberlain was raised on a mixed farm in the community of Tulliby Lake, east-central Alberta, near the Saskatchewan border. A writer and educator, she most recently taught English literature and creative writing at Augustana, a liberal arts and sciences faculty of the University of Alberta in Camrose. Her essays and stories have been published in several anthologies and periodicals. She lives in Calgary.