A Reluctant Search for Spiritual Truths

Adrian McNally Smith

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ISBN: 9781773660493

A Reluctant Search for Spiritual Truths

  Author:   Adrian McNally Smith    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

When Adrian McNally Smith was writing his family memoir Finding Forgiveness, he was struck by the number of times he had had spiritual encounters. The journey of writing the story of his life and his relationships brought home to him the fact that he had felt a sense of hubris before many important and life-changing moments in his life. Going through the process of forgiveness and the counseling he needed to forgive his father awakened in him the desire to dig deeper into these encounters and what it means to be embrace spirituality. This reluctant search changed his life and sparked a whole new awareness of spirituality.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781773660493
Item AC0184
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on August 20 2020
Language eng
Pages 280
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight381(g)
Adrian McNally Smith recently retired after thirty years of work in education, twenty-five of those years devoted to counseling and student services. He had previously written an e-book on family secrets and sexuality. These days, when he is not writing, you can mostly find him walking along the shores and trails of Prince Edward Island, generally in the company of his loyal lab, Nelly.