Safe Harbour

Adrian McNally Smith

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ISBN: 9781773661070
ITEM: AC0208 Category: Tags: , ,

Safe Harbour

  Author:   Adrian McNally Smith    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

The pandemic was an unprecedented time of stress for Islanders. The Island was locked down at the border, and Islanders were cut off from family and friends everywhere. Normally a very social and welcoming people had their worlds turned upside down. Adrian McNally Smith was not immune to the effects of these lockdowns and so he started to write about his own experiences and what he was learning about himself on thoughtful and inspiring social media posts. These posts became a lifeline for many of his followers and he realized that the things he was feeling were universal. This collection of mediations comes out of his work to save his own mental health with the hope that he can help others through difficult times.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781773661070
Item AC0208
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on October 21 2022
Language eng
Pages 88
Format Hardcover
Dimensions7(in) x 5(in)
Shipping weight347(g)
Adrian McNally Smith recently retired after thirty years of work in education, twenty-five of those years devoted to counseling and student services. He had previously written an e-book on family secrets and sexuality. These days, when he is not writing, you can mostly find him walking along the shores and trails of Prince Edward Island, generally in the company of his loyal lab, Nelly.