Twenty-One Ways to Die in Saskatchewan

R.E. Stansfield

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ISBN: 9781775371748
ITEM: NVR009 Category: Tags: , ,

Twenty-One Ways to Die in Saskatchewan

  Author:   R.E. Stansfield    
  Publisher:  Nevermore Press

In this poignant collection of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry, Nova Scotian author R.E. Stansfield reflects on growing up on the Prairies while exploring, both metaphorically and physically, the many ways we “die.” From the young boy called to the principal?s office, to the immigrant adolescent confronted by schoolyard bullies, to the grandfather haunted by the German soldier he killed, to the Cree truckdriver hauling nuclear material, Stansfield brings to life those soul-crushing events we all experience, sometimes leading to redemption and rebirth.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781775371748
Item NVR009
PublisherNevermore Press
PublisherNevermore Press
Published on April 15 2020
Language eng
Pages 244
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 5.35(in)
Shipping weight0(g)
R.E. Stansfield is a transplanted prairie person now living "upshore" in Port Hilford, Nova Scotia. Born and bred in Regina, Saskatchewan, Ron enjoyed a distinguished three decade-long career in the international affairs field before retiring to the Maritimes, including postings to the Canadian embassies in South Korea and The Netherlands, and the International Atomic Energy Agency in Austria. Gleefully freed finally from the constraints of government bureaucratese, he takes his inspiration now from the open ocean which he swears looks just like the waving wheat fields back home in "Sasky." He writes in all genres and is currently dividing his time among a number of new literary adventures. Twenty-One Ways to Die in Saskatchewan is his first book.