Schnider’s World

Don Downer

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ISBN: 9781897009598

Schnider’s World

  Author:   Don Downer  
  Artist :   Gisele LeBlanc    
  Publisher:  Cape Breton University Press

Our Story Follows the life cycle of Schnider, a harp seal, from his birth on the ice floes off the northeast coast of Newfoundland.

Through Schnider’s eyes young readers learn about his weaning and maturing, the melting of the field of drift ice where he was born, his explorations, adventures and close calls in the search for food along the Newfoundland coast and, eventually, to the feeding grounds of Lancaster Sound and back again.

Schnider is joined by two other books about marine life: Selby the Lobster and Selina: An Atlantic Salmon, also by Don Downer and Gisele LeBlanc-Turner.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781897009598
Item CB0078
PublisherCape Breton University Press
PublisherCape Breton University Press
Published on May 1 2011
Language eng
Pages 38
Format Paperback
Dimensions9.25(in) x 7.5(in)
Shipping weight125(g)
DON DOWNER holds an MSc, MEd and PhD. He has worked as a freshwater biologist with the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans and has a varied background including marine biologist, teacher, principal, university teacher, researcher, business owner and writer. Mr. Downer has written a number of books, including books dealing with Newfoundland resettlement and social history. He loves to spend time navigating Newfoundland’s countless coves and rivers along with his faithful crew.