Random Shots

David Mossman

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ISBN: 9781988286150

Random Shots

  Author:   David Mossman    
  Publisher:  Pottersfield Press

“Trapped between two infinities, a human life is a snapshot of close calls. On the highway, in war, in the wilderness, at home, on land, sea, or air, it matters not. Close by, in disguise along the way, Chance marks the time remaining an individual. Life’s like that–an exciting and challenging pilgrimage where a split second decision or impulse action tips the balance in favour of survival, or not.”

Random Shots tells the stories of survival against the odds, the life of a well-travelled risking-taking Maritime son. Fortunate to have survived numerous near misses during the lead-up to his eightieth trip around the Sun, Mossman has much to be grateful for along the paths taken to adventure.

As a strong defense over the passage of time, memory is everything. As narrator, Mossman, aided by diaries and recordings across the years, shares with vivid insight his travelling experiences in and around Lesotho, Northwest Territories, Gabon, the Bay of Fundy, Australia, the Congo, Zambia, Nunavut, New Zealand, the offshore Atlantic Ocean, Ontario, and Brazil.

Survival–the act of staying alive despite the odds–is the theme of the book. Many of these stories of adventure took place in a world far from the one with which most people are familiar. They are at once both startling and revealing and told with a bold style and wit that the author’s fans will immediately recognize.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781988286150
Item PC0265
PublisherPottersfield Press
PublisherPottersfield Press
Published on October 2 2017
Language eng
Pages 260
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight319(g)
David Mossman is a seventh-generation Canadian, born at home in Rose Bay, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He and his wife live in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. A geologist, he has worked internationally and taught at the universities of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), Otago, New Zealand, and Mount Allison, New Brunswick, where he is professor emeritus. He is the author of Going Over: A Nova Scotia Soldier in World War I, the bestseller Oceans of Rum: The Nova Scotia Banana Fleet in Rum-Runner Heaven, and Random Shots.