Mayhem unfolds and loyalties unravel in a tightly knit clan of Bible-thumping shopkeepers when the formidable Ruby Clarke dementia, and a secret is revealed about her mother that shatters ties binding Ruby’s niece, Lindy Hammond, to the failing family business. Set in a shrinking community in northern Nova Scotia—a town that a century ago was an industrial hub—this unforgettable novel interweaves the lives of three women from three generations and of the husbands, lovers, and customers who cross them. Past and present come to life in this rich, award-winning story that blends humour and grit, realism and the magic of everyday things, as colourful as the crazy quilt cherished by its characters.
Additional information
Weight | 543 g |
Dimensions | 5 × 8.5 in |
Binding | Paperback |
Language | |
Date Published | March 5 2003 |
Awards this title has won | |
Author | |
Publisher | |
No of Pages | 456 |
Page Count | 456 |
ISBN | 9781771086431 |