Historic Colchester

Colchester Historical Society

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ISBN: 9781551093451

Historic Colchester

  Author:   Colchester Historical Society    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

At the turn of the twentieth century, Nova Scotia?s Colchester County bustled with activity and opportunity in what was, in many ways, its golden era. In a series of rare and detailed photographs, Historic Colchester captures the changing faces and shifting fortunes of the region during this period of rapid growth and transition. From Mi?kmaq and Acadians to Irish, Montbéliardins, and Scots, the lives of Colchester?s people were forever altered when, in the mid-nineteenth century, the railway transformed the county seat of Truro into a booming transportation centre. Historic Colchester portrays life in towns and countryside, on land and at sea, in industry and education, in family homes and in public services, at people, and, finally, at war.Introduced by a brief, comprehensive history of the region, Historic Colchester combines unusual photographs with detailed stories to provide a fascinating glimpse of a lost era.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551093451
Item NB0461
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on January 12 2000
Language eng
Pages 144
Format Paperback
Dimensions9.25(in) x 6.25(in)
Shipping weight280(g)