Historic Bedford

Tony Edwards

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ISBN: 9781551096377

Historic Bedford

  Author:   Tony Edwards    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

Bedford, Nova Scotia, was traditionally a resting place for travellers-from Mi’kmaq heading down the Sackville River by canoe to weary stagecoach and railway passengers seeking hot meals and warm beds while heading to or from Halifax. Bedford grew around the wayside houses and businesses that provided services for those passing through, and alongside industries, including lumber mills and shipbuilding yards. The town’s natural beauty made it the ideal setting for outdoor pursuits and legendary celebrations.

Historic Bedford pairs fascinating photographs with careful research and insight. On every page is captured the town’s enduring character as it transforms from temporary stopping place into charming town.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551096377
Item NB0769
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on November 15 2007
Language eng
Pages 176
Format Paperback
Dimensions6.5(in) x 9.25(in)
Shipping weight340(g)
Tony Edwards has written for the Bedford News, The Southender, and Bedford magazines, Heritage Canada, and a number of local histories. Tony is past chair of the now-defunct Bedford Heritage Society, and is currently a director of the Fort Sackville Foundation.