Heroic Rescues at Sea

Carolyn Matthews

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ISBN: 9781551093949

Heroic Rescues at Sea

  Author:   Carolyn Matthews    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

The sea can be a treacherous place. Fortunately for those who face disaster at sea there is a highly trained group of people who make it their life’s work to race to the rescue. These are the marine search and rescue workers of the Canadian Coast Guard. They do what most of us would not even contemplate; brave the elements in their rescue vessels, often acting as paramedics, midwives and firefighters on the water. They go out in unimaginable conditions and search long, harrowing hours for missing ships and sailors. These are their stories.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551093949
Item NB0513
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on January 5 2002
Language eng
Pages 200
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight450(g)