Georges Island

Dianne Marshall

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ISBN: 9781771082846

Georges Island

The Keep of Halifax Harbour

  Author:   Dianne Marshall    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

Georges Island has long stood guard in Halifax Harbour. Used in the seventeenth century as a place to dry fish by a nearby Acadian/Mi’kmaq village, the island came under control of the British with the founding of Halifax in 1749. The first wooden battery, established in 1750 and rebuilt as a stone fortress in the 1790s, was continuously modernized and manned by both British and Canadian soldiers right up until the Second World War.

The historical tour describes the fascinating evolution of Georges Island, from the site of the town’s first gaol and quarantine station, to a detention centre from which Acadians awaited their fate. Further chapters describe the features that bring the island to life, such as secret tunnels, ghosts, and the lighthouse that still guides ships to port. Includes over 150 photos, paintings, maps, and contemporary letters.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781771082846
Item NB1184
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on October 9 2014
Language eng
Pages 192
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.25(in) x 9.25(in)
Shipping weight463(g)
Dianne Marshall is a local historian and is the history columnist for CBC’s Information Morning in Halifax.