Acting on the Island

J.J. Steinfeld

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ISBN: 9781989725733
ITEM: PC0337 Category: Tags: , ,

Acting on the Island

And Other Prince Island Stories, New and Selected

  Author:   J.J. Steinfeld    
  Publisher:  Pottersfield Press

Acting on the Island and Other Prince Edward Island Stories: New & Selected gathers together 21 stories set on PEI from the nearly 500 wide-ranging and eclectic stories that J.J. Steinfeld has written in his over forty years of living and writing on the Island.

Steinfeld’s twenty-third book is a thought-provoking collection of Island stories embracing and exploring the themes and the psychological terrain that has pervaded all his writing, from the absurd to the existential, the surreal to the spiritual, the realistic to the fantastic. These stories are interwoven with the tragic, the comic and sometimes the darkly humorous as he grapples with the desire for meaning and sense in the human condition while confronting the chaotic, painful and sometimes strange aspects of history and people’s lives, both ordinary and extraordinary. Steinfeld’s work is concerned with the influence of the past and memory on the present; the significance of love, creativity and madness in the lives of individuals as they attempt to deal with their lives on the Island and within the larger world.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781989725733
Item PC0337
PublisherPottersfield Press
PublisherPottersfield Press
Published on February 9 2022
Language eng
Pages 260
Format Paperback
Dimensions6(in) x 9(in)
Shipping weight351(g)
J.J. Steinfeld, Charlottetown, PEI