A Wholesome Horror (2nd edition)

Brenda Thompson

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ISBN: 9781989347102
ITEM: MC0299 Category: Tags: , ,

A Wholesome Horror (2nd edition)

Poor Houses in Nova Scotia

  Author:   Brenda Thompson    
  Publisher:  SSP Publications

A history of poor houses in Nova Scotia, the laws governing them, the people who lived and worked in them, their treatment, and some events of note. This 2nd edition includes new chapters on the auctioning off of the poor, children in poor houses, women in poor houses, the harmless insane, seniors on poor farms, and stories of poor house inmates. It also includes more information on the poor houses enumerated in the book and more images of the Province’s poor houses.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781989347102
Item MC0299
PublisherSSP Publications
PublisherSSP Publications
Published on November 23 2021
Language eng
Pages 0
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight0(g)
Brenda Thompson has been an anti-poverty activist and writer for more than 30 years. She holds a Masters degree in Sociology from Acadia University and, as a former 'welfare mother' and lifetime low wage earner, she has lived with poverty issues firsthand. Living in the Annapolis Royal area of Nova Scotia, she has discovered a passion for local history.