Author Quentin Casey at Indigospirit in the Sunnyside Mall

Indigospirit Sunnyside Mall 1585 Bedford Hwy.

Stop in to meet Quentin Casey, the author of Net Worth: John Risley, Clearwater, and the building of a Billion Dollar Empire. Quentin will be in store from 1:00 - […]

Sunday Signings: featuring author Heather Fegan

Open Book Coffee 3660 Strawberry Hill Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunday, January 14th stop in to Open Book Coffee for a cuppa and chat with local author, Heather Fegan. She’ll be here from 1:00 – 3:00 signing your copy of […]

Author of Roar, Shelley Thompson signing

On Paper Books 311 Charlotte Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Shelley will be at On Paper Books answering questions and signing copies for you. Stop in for your copy and meet Shelley!

Book Launch for Black Activist, Black Scientist, Black Icon in Toronto

Blackhurst Cultural 777 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Blackhurst Cultural Centre is delighted to present the launch of Black Activist, Black Scientist, Black Icon: The autobiography of Dr. Howard D. McCurdy by George Elliott Clarke, 2:00 p.m. […]