Manju Jois

Manju Jois

Manju Jois has taught the true Mysore Ashtanga method for 60 years. Spanning 22 countries and 21 states in the US, Manju's world Ashtanga teaching tour is very broad. He offers Ashtanga workshops, teacher trainings and intensive week-long classes. He incorporates pranayama and vedic chantings in his classes. He incorporates pranayama and vedic chantings in his classes, which go very well with Ashtanga yoga practice. Manju's intention is to teach in the way of the Ancient tradition and bring the many benefits of Ashtanga yoga to his students. He hopes to bring "better concentration and understanding" of Ashtanga Yoga to his students in a world full of distractions. Manju's dedication to his life of teaching and practicing yoga has brought the benefits of the ancient tradition of Ashtanga Yoga to many students throughout the world, as he guides each to "Unite with Yourself." Visit his website at

Books By Manju Jois