The Last Billion Years

The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS)

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ISBN: 9781774710630

The Last Billion Years

  Author:   The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS)    
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing Limited

Expanded and updated edition of bestselling full-colour history of geological heritage in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI, featuring texts from experts and thousands of illustrations, including paintings, photographs, maps, and diagrams.

The rocks and fossils of the Maritime Provinces of Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) tell a fascinating story of the last billion years. The story unravels many surprises, for example:

Halifax and southern Nova Scotia were once situated near the South Pole and attached to Africa.
The positions of present-day Halifax and Saint John were once on separate continents.
The red rocks of Prince Edward Island were formed in a monsoonal climate.
Cliffs around the Bay of Fundy have yielded the oldest dinosaurs in Canada.
As recently as 20,000 years thick ice covered the Maritimes and extended onto the continental shelf.

These topics, and many more, are explored in this revised and updated edition of The Last Billion Years, a book for anyone interested in the origin and evolution of the Maritime Provinces. Beautifully and profusely illustrated in full colour, The Last Billion Years features original paintings of ancient vistas, photographs, and informative diagrams and sketches.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781774710630
Item NB1612
PublisherNimbus Publishing Limited
PublisherNimbus Publishing Limited
Published on May 10 2022
Language eng
Pages 252
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 10.5(in)
Shipping weight945(g)
The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS) brings together earth scientists from universities, government institutions, and the mining, petroleum, and offshore exploration industries in the Atlantic Provinces. Its membership includes professional geologists, students, and interested members of the public. The primary goal of the Atlantic Geoscience Society is communication of ideas and information about the Earth and earth science to both the professional geoscience community and the general public.