River People

Wayne Curtis

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ISBN: 9781989725757
ITEM: PC0339 Category: Tags: , ,

River People

  Author:   Wayne Curtis    
  Publisher:  Pottersfield Press

River People is Wayne Curtis’s collection of short stories set in the Miramichi River Valley of New Brunswick. As always, he brings his keen observation and insights to his writing, describing the landscape and the inhabitants with candour but also a heartfelt empathy, for this is territory of both land and soul with which he is so familiar.

Curtis chronicles the disappointment of a refined British war bride when she marries a New Brunswick woodsman, the terrible hold a youthful love affair has on a young man throughout his life, the need to belong for children of a youth home, the consequences of first-time passion for a girl and the boy who loves her, and the weight of responsibility burdening a lad who has a brief glimpse of what life in town could be like for him.

Shimmering in each story is Curtis’s love for the great river and the woods, for the bounties they provide and the hardships for those people tied to the backbreaking work required to make a living from them.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781989725757
Item PC0339
PublisherPottersfield Press
PublisherPottersfield Press
Published on February 2 2022
Language eng
Pages 260
Format Paperback
Dimensions5.5(in) x 8.5(in)
Shipping weight270(g)
Wayne Curtis is well known for his books about life in rural New Brunswick. He has an honorary doctorate from St. Thomas University and is a member of the Order of New Brunswick.