Pockets Full of Sea Glass

Alma Fullerton

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ISBN: 9781773661483

Pockets Full of Sea Glass

  Author:   Alma Fullerton    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

This sweet picture book follows the day in the life child whose anxiety seems to fill their days. Letting go is so hard to do and worry weighs down every step. Even walking on the beach is difficult until finding a glimmer of hope among the rocks helps to make the day brighter. With a piece of sea glass found, the worries seem to melt away. Pockets Full of Sea Glass is a wonderful introduction of the mindfulness children can achieve by spending time in nature, one piece of sea glass at a time.

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Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781773661483
Item AC0225
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on December 14 2023
Language ENG
Pages 32
Format Paperback
Dimensions8(in) x 10(in)
Shipping weight114(g)
Alma Fullerton is an award winning author- author/illustrator. She lives in NorthLake PEI with her husband, and dog. Born in Ontario Canada, she grew up in a large military family and has lived in in Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Germany. Alma struggled with reading and memorized most things until the age of nine when, with the help of her grade four teacher, she realized she had dyslexia. By grade nine Alma loved reading. Besides writing and illustrating Alma now works in schools as an educational assistant who helps children with learning disabilities figure out the best way for them to learn.

Her books have been nominated and/or have won awards including the Governor General Finalist 2008, TD Canadian Children's Literature Award finalist 2009 & 2011 Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Award winner 2009, CLA Children's Book of the Year Honor Book 2009, 2011 Golden Oak Award winner 2009, Once Upon a World Children's Book Award Winner - 2009, Manitoba Young Readers' Choice Award shortlist - 2010, SilverBirch Award shortlist -2010, 2014, Silver Birch Express 2023, Blue Spruce Award 2014 & 2016, 2022, Kentucky BlueGrass Award 2015 and the 2016 Marilyn Baillie picture book award.