Louis R. Comeau

Sally Ross

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ISBN: 9781897462386

Louis R. Comeau

Portrait of a Remarkable Acadian

  Author:   Sally Ross    
  Publisher:  Four East Publications

Once described as talkative and forthright – a hard man to dislike – Louis R. Comeau has always, above all, been an advocate for the Acadian community. Elected to the House of Commons in 1968, he was at the forefront of the shift that Bilingualism and Biculturalism brought to the status of French-language minorities in Canada in the 1970s. With the energy, foresight and skills to be an agent of change, he brought Université Sainte-Anne into the modern era, he transformed his grandfather`s box factory, and he led Nova Scotia Power from a public utility to a profitable enterprise. Yet, his biographical journey begins with the arrival of his ancestors in North America almost four hundred years ago. Sally Ross, an expert in Acadian history and society, explores the diverse paths that Louis R. Comeau has followed since his childhood in rural Nova Scotia, to Parliament Hill, as an MP, then back to Church Point, and Halifax, never far from his Acadian roots. Here is a man who moves seamlessly between politics, education and industry, ready to lead others towards progress.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781897462386
Item FE0029
PublisherFour East Publications
PublisherFour East Publications
Published on October 1 2015
Language eng
Pages 124
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight611(g)
Née à Halifax, Sally Ross a fait ses études en France. Elle est titulaire d’une licence ès lettres et d’un doctorat de l’Université de Tours. Elle a enseigné la culture acadienne et québécoise pendant 10 ans et a traduit plusieurs livres en anglais, dont Les Acadiens de L’Île, de Georges Arsenault, et La Vraie Vie, de France Daigle.Originaire de Rivière-aux-Saumons, Alphonse Deveau a joué un rôle actif dans diverses organisations acadiennes. Il a été le premier directeur de Centre acadien de l’Université Sainte-Anne et a publié de nombreux ouvrages historiques, notamment La Ville Française, Les personnes éminentes et Diary of a Frenchman.