When Ananias Case boards a ship in Fowey, England in 1826 bound for Carbonear, Newfoundland, he’s not looking for adventure; he’s a man on the run. The strictures of class division are left in the wake, while a fractured society in the throes of rapid evolution awaits beyond the sea. An historical novel based on real events, Ananias is the story of a man seeking a new life while struggling with the ghosts of his past. This sweeping adventure of discovery, connection and heartache is also a moving tribute to a rugged island place and its people.
Additional information
Dimensions | 5.35 × 8 in |
Binding | Paperback |
Language | |
Date Published | October 1 2020 |
Awards this title has won | |
Author | |
Publisher | |
No of Pages | 256 |
Page Count | 256 |
ISBN | 9781775371786 |