Algonquians, Hurons and Iroquois

Samuel de Champlain

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ISBN: 9781551099576

Algonquians, Hurons and Iroquois

Champlain Explores America 1603-1616

  Author:   Samuel de Champlain    
  Editor :   Edward Bourne  
  Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

“If we compare him with the other explorers and founders of that age he stands above them all in the range of achievement” –Edward Gaylord Bourne, Introduction As the first explorer to provide an accurate and detailed account of Nova Scotia and New England, Samuel de Chaplain is synonymous with early observations of North American Aboriginal peoples, interactions between New World inhabitants and European colonial powers, and the founding of New France. Chaplain’s meticulous and fascinating historical records of his seventeenth-century explorations continue to illuminate early life in North America, hundreds of years later.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781551099576
Item NB1088
PublisherNimbus Publishing
PublisherNimbus Publishing
Published on October 2 2012
Language eng
Pages 238
Format Paperback
Dimensions8.5(in) x 5.5(in)
Shipping weight345(g)
Featuring Champlain’s original sketches, concise editorial notes, and an informative introduction by editor Edward Gaylord Bourne (1906), Algonquians, Hurons and Iroquois: Champlain Explores America 1603-1616 provides an accurate and readable translation of chaplain’s indispensible text, The Voyages and Discoveries 1604-1616.