Ingrid Bulmer

[…] The Chronicle Herald for more than 20 years. Their photos regularly appeared in The Canadian Press and Reuters news agency stories. Their work has appeared in Maclean’s Magazine, The Toronto […]

Dale McNevin

Dale McNevin’s illustrations are found in many Acorn Press titles including A Long Way from the Road, An Island Christmas Reader, And My Name Is . . . Stories From […]

Tara Bryan

Tara Bryan is a painter, letter press printer, and book artist who has been making books for more than thirty years. She lives and works in Flatrock, NL, where she […]

Kate Chisholm

Kate Chisholm captures the whimsy and wonder of everyday life in her art and is the creator of the Instagram account @themousetowncollective_. She transforms the familiar into something fresh and […]

Duncan Major

[…] prints. He learned letterpress at a tender age from Tara Bryan, and is the custodian of two tabletop presses. He lives with his wife, son, and daughter in St. John’s, NL.

Kate Christensen

[…] White Mountains, and is currently at work on a new novel. Her most recent work, How To Cook A Moose: A Culinary Memoir, was released by Islandport Press in September 2015.