Author Quentin Casey at Indigospirit in the Sunnyside Mall

Indigospirit Sunnyside Mall 1585 Bedford Hwy.

Stop in to meet Quentin Casey, the author of Net Worth: John Risley, Clearwater, and the building of a Billion Dollar Empire. Quentin will be in store from 1:00 - 3:00, looking forward to meeting you and signing copies of your book!

Sunday Signings: featuring author Heather Fegan

Open Book Coffee 3660 Strawberry Hill Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sunday, January 14th stop in to Open Book Coffee for a cuppa and chat with local author, Heather Fegan. She’ll be here from 1:00 – 3:00 signing your copy of her book Gutsy: Living My Best Life With Crohn's disease & Ulcerative Colitis.